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Cedar River Clinics are specialists in women's health care and experts in abortion.
Abortion - Is it legal? Is it safe? What about parents?
Description of the Surgical Abortion Procedure
Frequently Asked Questions About Abortion Appointments
The Abortion Pill - Also known as Mifiprex, Mifepristone, RU-486, or medical abortion is an early option (to bring on her period)/ The woman gets the medication and instructions at the clinic and then experiences the passage of fetal tissue from her body in the privacy of her home or a location of her choosing.
Comparison between the Abortion Pill and Surgical Abortion (PDF)
much does abortion cost?
Abortion and Breast Cancer - there is no link
Abortion Information in Spanish (Espanol)
Glamour Magazine on Feb 2, 2009 - Abortion: The Serious Health Decision Women Aren't Talking About Until Now - 8 women tell their stories and answer your questions.
Glamour Magazine on Feb 10, 2009 - What Women Ask Most About Abortion, Ob-Gyns and counselors answer private questions about everything from the medical risks to adoption options.
The Tragedy of Abortion Rhetoric at Hipmama was written by a former Cedar River Clinics' staff person, Fran Varian
Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, Dean of Episcopal Divinity School, also speaks out about the tragedy that is sometimes affecting a woman's life at the time she chooses abortion - and why abortion is a blessing!
Abortion does NOT cause psychological distress, or "post-abortion syndrome." Efforts to show it does occur appear to be politically motivated, according to U.S. researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. "The best quality studies indicate no significant differences in long-term mental health between women in the United States who choose to terminate a pregnancy and those who do not," they wrote.
AFTER your abortion -
healthcare instructions for the weeks immediately following an abortion
Abortion's impact on your feelings and ideas about yourself
River Clinics in Renton, Seattle and Tacoma , Washington State ...
Feminist Abortion Network - feminist clinics across the USA
out for Fake Abortion Clinics - Beware! Learn the difference
between a real clinic and a religious group offering free
pregnancy tests and counseling. Fake
clinics are named Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Birthright,
and Pregnancy Aid.
Project - Community Abortion Information and Resources
- call this 800 number to find a clinic or find money to
help pay for an abortion. 888-644-CAIR (800-644-2247)
Abortion Federation - clinics in the USA and Canada
abiding by standards governing quality of care. National
Abortion Federation operates a toll free hotline at 800-772-9100
in the US and 800-424-2280 in Canada.
National Network of Abortion Funds
- A national network of local groups who help women pay
for and travel to abortion services in the USA.
find more feminist abortion clinics
IamDrTiller.com is living testimony to the courageous lives of abortion providers, activists and the women who have experienced abortion first-hand.
Know Your Options - If you are unsure about what to do, call the clinic of your choice and ask for a special "options counseling" appointment.
What About Adoption? Referrals to agencies with
a wealth of information.
Choosing to Parent - Links to information about pregnancy
and parenting.
pregnancy after sex - with Emergency Contraception.
The Abortion Pill - Also known as Mifiprex, Mifepristone, RU-486, Medical Abortion, Medication Abortion. This is an early option in which the woman receives medications and instructions at the clinic and experiences the passage of fetal tissue from her body in the privacy of a location of her choice.
www.medicationabortion.com - a multi-language website provides accurate information about medication abortion to health service providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, counselors, and office staff as well as educational information for women considering the option of medication abortion. In English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
Comparison between Abortion Pill and Surgical Abortion
Your Stories about Abortion - Learn from hundreds of women and girls who sent in their
From the clinic staff:
Women Claiming the Power of Pregnancy - women choosing both abortion and having a baby - at different times in their lives
from "Conversations with God, an Uncommon Dialogue,
Book III. by Neale Donald Walsch. A spiritual perspective
on the moral questions raised by abortion.
Rights Under the Current Laws | | Roe
v Wade - the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in all 50
states in the USA.
Reaction to the 2007 Supreme Court decision in Carhart case of 2007.
by State guide to abortion laws (from NARAL
Pro-Choice America).
Hyde Amendment - 32+ Years is Enough - Finally under President Obama, there is a real opportunity to end the discriminatory restrictions called the Hyde Amendment that blocks access to abortion care for Medicaid-eligible women and Medicare beneficiaries (the Hyde Amendment), federal employees and their dependents (FEHB), residents of the District of Columbia, Peace Corps volunteers, Native American women, and women in federal prisons.
Analysis of 2007 Gonzales v Carhart - the most recent abortion case decided by the US Supreme Court in April 2007 - the first decision with Justices Alito and Roberts as part of the Court.
Current Abortion Law in WA - Initiative 120 - known
as the Reproductive Privacy Act, Initiative 120 was passed
into law by a vote of the citizens of WA in 1991.
It is a crime to interfere with health care facilities or providers in Washington State - see RCW Chapter 9A.50 (Revised Code of Washington)
History of abortion in Washington State.
if Roe Fell? from the Center
for Reproductive Rights. State by state analysis of
what would happen if Roe v Wade got overturned by the Supreme
Court? Download the report for free.
Remembering Justice Harry Blackmun who wrote the Roe v Wade decision.
Bill of Rights
Canada, there is no law governing abortion - no restrictions or regulations.
Abortion is a medical practice determined between women and their physicians.
Period. Read the history to see why this model would be ideal for the rest of
the world.
When abortion was illegal and the fight for safe accessible abortion today in the United States. (documentary film available on DVD "From Danger to Dignity")
Women of Color support abortion rights and reproductive justice.
Get the book - "Undivided Rights: Women of Color organize for Reproductive Justice"
Visit SisterSong
Resources & More Information |
National Network of Abortion Funds - A network
of local groups who help women pay for and obtain abortion
Stop the Stigma about abortion.
What Pro-Choice Really Means - from a Canadian perspective
Abortion Conversation Project - promoting respectful dialog, listening and sharing our own experiences and knowledge
From the book Our Bodies Ourselves - chapter on Abortion - covers herstory, current limits on access, global status of abortion, and section on the difference between reproductive freedom and population control.
10 Facts You Must Know about Non-Surgical Abortion - published by AlterNet
Choice LinkUp - resources, rights, health info - a pro-choice webring.
Abortion and Breast Cancer - The Unproven Link. Plus,
further analysis
of recent studies.
Frequently Asked Questions about: abortion, birth control, women's health, teen's questions, menstrual cycle.
like contraception, is ... the means by which contemporary
women take control of their fertility and their lives. Perhaps
it is time to finally think of it in the same way as we
think of contraception: as a necessary and helpful intervention,
as a way of making women equal, as a positive sign that
women are taking control of their lives." Article
in The Observer, April 22, 2001 by Nicci Gerrard.
Statistics - The most reliable research on abortion
is done by the Alan Guttmacher Institute.
Global Abortion News Updates - This feature provides a brief look at new
developments in abortion law and policy around the world. Updated monthly.
Know Your Options - If you are unsure about what to do, call the clinic of your choice and ask for a special "options counseling" appointment.
August 15, 2014
The question is not when does life begin, but who is best prepared to make the decision to transmit life to a new generation: the individual or the state? In this matter, the individual woman is more competent than any government.
Feminist Women's Health Center |