- 34-menopause-symptoms.com - symptoms, explanations, treatment options.
- Abortion
Access Project - organizing Nursing Students and Nurses,
PA's, Nurse Practitioners, and Medical Students for Choice
to increase access to abortion and to increase training
in abortion-related care. Based in Massachusetts.
- Abortion Clinics Online - USA and international listing of abortion clinics with websites, plus information on abortion procedures and issues, patient instructions, prices, aftercare, gynecology, birth control, emergency contraception, and medical abortion with RU-486.
- Abortion.com - a listing of doctor's offices and clinics that provide abortion care.
- Abortion Statistics - contact the Alan
Guttmacher Institute, the pre-eminent authority on reproductive
health research for abortion, birth control and reproductive
health statistics and studies.
- Abortion Conversation Project -
The Abortion Conversation Project is committed to eliminating the stigma of abortion by creating new ways and opportunities to talk about abortion
- ACCESS/Women's
Health Rights Coalition - based in Oakland, CA - operates
a Latina Hotline at 888-442-2237 serving California, USA.
- The
Access Project - Information to improve access to complete health
care for all low-income, limited English proficiency, immigrants
or refugees.
- Access
Washington - state government information, news and
- Action Canada for Population and Development - is an advocacy organization that focuses on sexual rights and health, reproductive rights and health, human rights and international migration.
- Adolescent
Health On-Line - designed for health care providers,
from American Medical Association.
- Advocates
for Pregnant Women - protecting the rights of pregnant
and parenting women and their children. Women ought not
to be punished for pregnancy and drug addiction. Families
must not be needlessly separated based on medical and public
health misinformation. Pregnancy and addiction should be
treated as public health issues - not criminal justice issues.
- Advocates
for Youth - teen pregnancy and HIV prevention, international
work, material by teens for teens.
- After
your abortion - advice from Hope Medical in Louisiana.
- Alan
Guttmacher Institute - research and statistics on abortion
- Alaska Pro-Choice
Alliance - materials listing abortion providers, options
available, and restrictions on AK women.
- American Foundation for AIDS Research
- American
Association of University Women
- American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - Reproductive Freedom
of Washington State
- American
College of Nurse-Midwives - promotes health and well-being
of women and infants support of the profession of midwifery.
- American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - national
organization representing over 40,000 physicians who provide
health care for women
- American
Medical Women's Association - over 10,000 women physicians
and medical students dedicated to the care of the woman
patient and serving as the unique voice for women's health.
- American
Menopause Foundation - independent not-for-profit health
organization providing support and assistance on all issues
concerning menopause. Newsletter, literature, and educational
programs provide the latest information on scientific research
and pertinent facts.
- Americans
United for Separation of Church and State
- AnnRose's Ultimate Birth Control Links - Eductional yet humorous listing of information about all methods of birth control so individuals of all ages can make informed decisions. Includes links for the Pill, IUD, hormonal injections including DepoProvera and Lunelle, condoms, spermicides, cervical cap, vasectomy, tubal ligation, and information about how to choose.
- Asians
and Pacific Islanders For Reproductive Health (APIRH) - now known as Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
- Applied Research Center
- a leading research lab and foundry where academics and
activists forge tools to spark social progress and measure
the results.
- Arabic
Reproductive Health Information Initiative. This web-based resource is
intended as a collaboration of international health organizations.
- Ash
Tree Publishing - Herbal Medicine Resources for women's
health and wellbeing. Find information on menopause, fertility,
pregnancy, breast care, and more.
- Ask
a Woman Doctor - a forum for women's health
- Asbestos - women are approximately 50% more likely to develop mesothelioma than men when exposed to asbestos.
- Association
of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) - an interdisciplinary
medical professional association to educate health care
professionals and the public on family planning, contraception,
sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, urogenital disorders,
abortion, menopause, cancer, sexual health, and infertility.
- Babes
Network in Seattle - for HIV+ women. BABES is dedicated
to building a community among women from all walks of life
who are facing HIV and AIDS. BABES offers a women-centered
environment and assures confidentiality.
- Back
Up Your Birth Control - Emergency contraception (EC) stops pregnancy after sex - Get the morning after pill before you need it.
- Be a Voter: Register
to Vote
- Biblical
America Resistance Front - a pro-choice group monitoring
the religious right.
- Birth
Control information.
- BirthControl.com
- Purchase various birth control methods online, including
some not available in the USA.
- www.Birth-Sex.com:
Exploring the Sacred Feminine with Elizabeth Davis, certified midwife and author of Women's Sexual Passages: Finding Pleasure and Intimacy at Every Stage of Life and The Circle of Life: Thirteen Archetypes for Every Woman .
- Boston
Women's Health Book Collective - publishers of Our
Bodies Ourselves, Our Bodies Growing Older,
and Changing Bodies Changing Lives.
- Breaking
the Silence - AIDS education for Caribbean girls, because
addressing the inequities of gender and poverty begins with
- Breaking
the Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent.(book about the consent to be pregnant) by Eileen McDonagh. 1997. Oxford University Press.
Moves beyond pro-life and pro-choice to abortion rights
framed as pro-consent. (link to the book review)
- BreastCancer.org
- helping women and their families make sense of the complex
information about breast cancer, and guide them to the best
decisions for their lives.
- Breast Cancer Action
- a grassroots organization of breast cancer survivors and
their supporters, advocating for true prevention through
understanding and eliminating the causes of breast cancer,
a true cure with treatments that don't nearly kill people
or cause other diseases, and universal access to quality
health care.
- Breast
Cancer and the Environment -
- Breast
Cancer Fund - working to end breast cancer through detection,
treatment, prevention, research and access to care for all
- Breast
Cancer Prevention - This website is a virtual journey
through Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed. A book is for women who want to maintain
breast health and for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
- British Columbia's Pro-Choice
Action Network
- California
Abortion Rights Action League
- Canadian
Birth Control Info - your guide to the differences between
Canadian and US birth control pills.
- Calgary Birth Control
Association - sexuality is a natural and healthy part
of life. Healthy sexual relationships are based on trust,
respect and equality. Pro-choice. Feminist.
- Canadian
Abortion Rights Action League
- Cancer Prevention Ideas at www.preventcancer.com
- Candie's Foundation
- Sexy and independent messages from Destiny's Child.
- Communities Against Rape and Abuse in Seattle.
- Casa Latina
- Centro de Ayuda Solidaria a los Amigos is a community-based
organization located in Seattle, Washington, that empowers
Latino immigrants through educational and employment opportunities.
- Casting For
Recovery - provides fly-fishing retreats tailored for
women who have or have had breast cancer, to enhance the
lives of breast cancer survivors' mental and physical healing.
- Catholics
for a Free Choice - Group of pro-choice Roman Catholics
who are motivated by the conviction that the bishops do
not represent the Catholic people on reproductive rights
issues. They know Catholic women have abortions and Catholic
women and men supported legal access.
- Center
for Bladder Control - free bladder health education
for all women.
- Center for
Child Care Workforce - improving child care quality
by upgrading the compensation, working conditions and training
of child care providers.
- Center for Endometriosis
- Center for
Reproductive Rights - legal action to protect
choice locally, nationally, internationally
- Center
for Uterine Fibroids at Harvard Medical School - Fibroids
are the number one cause of hysterectomy in the United States
(accounting for over one third of procedures annually).
Moreover, they affect between a quarter and a half of all
women; African-American women are affected three to nine
times more commonly than other racial groups.
- Center
for Voting and Democracy
- Center for Women Policy Studies - Promoting women's human rights and equality through feminist policy analysis, research and advocacy to shape public policy to improve women’s lives.
- Center
for Women and Democracy at University of Washington in Seattle
- promotes women's full representation, participation and
leadership, while respecting the political, economic and
social diversity in cultures worldwide.
- Chaya - is a community-based nonprofit organization in Seattle
to serve South Asian women in times of crisis and need,
and to raise awareness of domestic violence issues. While
many excellent agencies provide services for Southeast Asians
in Seattle, Chaya is the only organization to specifically
address the needs of South Asian women.
- A Chicana
Feminist Website: Making Face, Making Soul.
- Chicana
Studies Home Page - helpful info for thinking about
the relationship of gender, race, and class.
- Childfree
Resource Network - supports individuals who choose to
have no children, lists doctors and clinics who perform
tubal ligations and vasectomies without age discrimination.
- Children's
Alliance - in WA state - a voice for Washington's childen, youth and families.
- Children's
Defense Fund - the voice for all children in America.
- Choice LinkUp - a pro-choice web ring.
- Choice
USA - training a new generation of pro-choice leaders.
- Civil
Liberties & Public Policy program (CLPP) at Hampshire
College - organizes young women's conference on reproductive
freedom annually.
- Coalition
for Labor Union Women - speaking out for child care,
pay equity, labor law reform, national health care and reproductive
- Coalition
for Positive Sexuality - JUST SAY YES!
- ColorLines - national, multi-racial newsmagazine devoted to race and politics. Published by Applied Resource Center.
- Columbia
University School of Public Health (in New York City)
- "Finding Common Ground" is a research project
measuring the public health outcomes, especially for women
and children, of the 1996 Personal and Social Responsibility
Act (welfare reform). Includes "Doctors Speak Out About Welfare Reform."
- Committee
on Women, Population, and the Environment
- Communications Consortium
Media Center
- Communities Against
Rape and Abuse in Seattle.
- Campaign for Safe Cosmetics - stopping the ingedients that cause cancer, birth defects, gene mutations.
- Concentric
Media - Independent filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman's important
trilogy of documentaries called trilogy "From the Back
Alleys to the Supreme Court and Beyond."
- Contact
Congress - Map of US, lists of members of Congress with
complete lists of addresses, phone numbers, faxes and emails.
Send a message directly from this site.
- Crone
Cronicles - for women growing older with power and passion.
- Cross
Cultural Health Program - excellent resource library
and website - addressing broad cultural issues that impact the health of individuals and families in ethnic minority communities in Seattle and nationwide.
- DrugWatch.com - Find recalled drugs and find side-effects of medications.
- National Eating Disorders Association - expanding public understanding and prevention of eating disorders and promoting access to quality treatment for those affected along with support for their families through education, advocacy and research.
- Emergency
Contraception - The Morning After Pill - from Princeton University. Also known as "Plan B" in Spanish.
- Endometriosis
Association - a non-profit, self-help organization founded
by women for women.; providing information and support to
women and girls with endometriosis, educating the public
and medical community about endo, and conducting and promoting
- Endometriosis,
One Woman's Journey by Jennifer Lewis. The author
has suffered from this disease for over 11 years, at age
29 has had 10 surgeries including a total hysterectomy at
age 26. She has become an avid advocate for women's health
- EngenderHealth
- works worldwide to improve the lives of individuals by making reproductive health services safe, available, and sustainable.
- Equality
Now - fight against Female Genital Mutilation, fight
for women's and girl's human rights and against violence
world wide.
- ERA - Learn
about the Equal Rights Amendment - a proposed amendment
to the U.S. Constitution that would guarantee equality of
rights under the law for all women.
- Facing
Our Risk of Cancer Empowered - FORCE - for women whose
family history and genetic status put them at high risk
of getting ovarian cancer and/or breast cancer.
- Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - evaluates media
coverage of today's news with an eye for sex bias. Excellent
- FamilyNet
- Human Rights Campaign Foundation - devoted to the issues
of concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families.
- Family Health Productions
- makes of educational videos on sexuality and reproductive
health for teens.
- Family
Planning Advocates of New York State - includes Concerned
Clergy for Choice, pro-choice writings on welfare reform,
parental notification, mergers with Catholic hospitals and
the effects they have on reproductive health care.
- Family Planning
in Washington State - part of DSHS.
- Fem-World.com
- resources and news about and for lesbians.
- feminineoptions.com
washable cloth menstrual pads and other natural fertility-related info and products
- Feminism - definitions
from guests at the Feminist Women's Health Center
- Feminist
Majority - Award winning site with lots of variety dedicated
to women's political, economic, and social equality.
- Feminists (pro-choice) in Australia
- Feministisches
Frauen Gesundheits Zentrum (FWHC) Berlin, Germany
- Fertility Awareness
Network - teaching Fertility Awareness since 1980
- Fibroids - a story of natural healing without surgery or drugs to encourage others to honour their bodies and release the anger etc. and get to the root cause of their fibroids.
- Fight
for Your Rights: Protect Yourself - MTV's campaign
to educate young people about sexual health, HIV and "It's Your Sex Life" guide.
- First
Moon: Passage to Womanhood Ceremony - a kit to help
you celebrate your very first period.
- First Steps
program in Washington State - part of DSHS.
- Freedom
from Hunger - provides self-help programs that serve
women - especially mothers of young children - with resources
to build better futures. A nonprofit, nongovernmental, international
development organization to end chronic hunger and poverty
through sustainable development.
- Freedom
from Religion Foundation - They publish a lively, informative
newsletter called Freethought Today.
- Gynaecological Awareness Information Network in Australia
- established by women whose lives have been irreparably
altered by gynaecological conditions and subsequent treatment.
- The Garden
of Fertility: A Guide to Charting your Fertility Signals
to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy -- Naturally -- and to Gauge
your Reproductive Health by Katie Singer. This book,
published in 2004, describes the changes a woman experiences
throughout the menstrual cycle; how to chart your fertility
signals (the waking temperature and cervical fluid); how
to determine, by fertility charts, when you are fertile
and not fertile; how to practice natural birth control that
is virtually as effective as the Pill; and when to time
intercourse if you want to conceive. It explains how to
identify, by your fertility charts, whether you're ovulating,
indicating a propensity for thyroid problems, poly-cystic
ovarian syndrome, or miscarriage. It tells how to establish
and identify unambiguous infertility while breastfeeding,
and how to identify that ovulatory cycles are resuming. GardenofFertility.com
includes several articles about Fertility Awareness, photos
showing the changes the cervix goes through during a menstrual
cycle unless a woman's on the Pill, fertility charts that
can be downloaded at no charge, and more.
- Girls
Inc - Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
- GirlMom.com - a
politically progressive, left-aligned, pro-choice, feminist
website with a mission to support young mothers, of all
backgrounds, in their struggles for reproductive freedom
and social support.
- Global Abortion News Updates -
This feature provides a brief look at new
developments in abortion law and policy around the world. Updated monthly.
- Global Campaign
for Microbicides and Prevention Options for Women -
The word "microbicides" refers to a range of different products that share one common characteristic: the ability to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) when applied topically. A microbicide could be produced in many forms, including gels, creams, suppositories, films, or as a sponge or ring that releases the active ingredient over time.
- Global
Fund For Women - Supports women's human rights throughout
the world.
- Global
Reproductive Health Forum (GRHF) - women of color web
- explores the intersection of gender and "race" on topics
such as feminism, sexuality, and reproductive health and
- Good for Her
- Toronto's cozy, comfortable and accessible place where
women and their admirers can find a variety of high quality
sex toys, books, videos, workshops, sensual art, and much
- Grandmothers
for Peace
- GrassRoots.org
- stories of scores of innovative grassroots programs run
by local heroes who have found effective ways to build on
the strengths of their communities to make them better.
- Grassrootsinfo.org
- grassroots environmental education.
- Gray
Panthers - working on universal health care, jobs with
a living wage and the right to organize, preservation of
Social Security, affordable housing, access to quality education,
economic justice, environment, peace, and challenging ageism,
sexism, racism.
- Guerrilla
Girls - getting attention on issues that matter.
- Hampshire
College - Campus and Community Organizing for Reproductive
- Hard
Hatted Women - Cleveland-based group for women in nontraditional
jobs -- its founders were a telephone repair technician,
a steelworker and a truck driver.
- Harvard Medical School on Women's Health - Women's health concerns cover a wide spectrum. While many health conditions affect both men and women, a number of health issues affect only women and some are more prevalent in women.
- Healing
Choice - especially for post-abortion women -- devoted
to enriching the emotional, physical, intellectual, and
spiritual lives of women.
- Healing
the Children-Florida - information on becoming a host
family to victims of acid
attacks and other crimes.
- Healthy Teen Network is a national membership network that serves as a leader, a national voice, and an educational resource to professionals working in the area of adolescent reproductive health – specifically pregnancy prevention, pregnancy and parenting.
- Healthy Youth Alliance in WA State
- Her
Health - holistic health magazine encouraging healthy
lifestyles for women and positive body image.
- Herspace
- the newtwork for evolving women.
- Hesperian
Foundation - Publishing health books for health-workers
developing nations in many languages; committed to improving
the health of people in poor communities by making health
information accessible. Publishes a book called Where Women Have No Doctor, and a book
for midwives, as well as books on disability.
- HIV,
Health and Your Community: a Guide for Action takes
a grass-roots approach to preventing the spread of HIV.
It emphasizes prevention, is designed for disadvantaged
communities, and is liberally illustrated. Authors' proceeds
donated to community-based AIDS organizations. Published by Hesperian Foundation.
- HPV (the human papillomavirus), the primary cause of cervical cancer, and the HPV test
- HolisticMoms.org
- Humanism
- believe every human being has the right to adequate food,
health care, education, and housing, and the right to choose
and build his or her future.
- Hysterectomy Alternatives
and Consequences. Independent international non-profit
women's health education organization. Provides free information
packet. Physician referral.
- Evaluating
HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) - by Liz Moore
- I
Wanna Know- a teen health site with dynamic reliable
sexual health information" for teens and parents, from the
American Social Health Association.
- Ibis Reproductive Health and the Population Council - a multi-language website dedicated to medication abortion. http://www.medicationabortion.com/ is designed to provide accurate information about medication abortion to health service providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, counselors, and office staff. Educational information is also provided for women considering the option of medication abortion. http://www.medicationabortion.com/ is also available in English, French, and Arabic.
- Idaho
Women's Network
- imnotsorry.net
- a website where women can speak about positive abortion
- Indranet
- Alternative/natural health
and healing information for women
- International
Association of Abortion Doctors
- International
Planned Parenthood Federation
- International
Women's Health Coalition
- Institute for Women's Policy
Research - stimulating the debate on public policy issues
of importance to women and their families: poverty and welfare,
employment and earnings, work and family issues, the economic
and social aspects of health care and domestic violence,
and women's civic and political participation.
- Institute on Domestic
Violence in the African American Community - setting
an agenda to reduce/eliminate domestic violence in the African
American community.
- It's
Your (Sex) Life - sex, birth control, protection - info
for teens - from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
- Journal
of the American Women's Medical Association (JAMWA)
- Juneau (Alaska) Pro-Choice
- Kaiser
Family Foundation Reproductive Health Daily Email News Report
- Kaiser Family Foundation website is chock-full of valuable
abortion, choice, and health information and news.
- The
Keeper - a specially made reusable device for catching
monthly menstrual flow.
- La
Leche League International - support and assistance
for breastfeeding women.
- La Manga
Health Centre - to assist women who have used Hormone
Replacement Therapy
- Large Women's Resources - NAAFA,
- Leadership
Conference for Civil Rights - LCCR is the nation's oldest,
largest, and most diverse coalition of over 180 organizations
committed to the protection of civil and human rights in
the United States.
- League of Women Voters
- Library
of Congress - Thomas Guide - U.S. federal legislation,
congressional votes, info on legislative process.
- Lilith
- Living and Loving
Project - provides training and support to people with
developmental disabilities in the areas of relationships,
sexuality and abuse prevention. Located in Northern California.
- Living
the Legacy - 1998 is the 150th Anniversary of the Women's
Rights Movement, launched at the world's first Women's Rights
Convention in Seneca Falls, New York.
- Lupus affects nine times more women than men, and is more prevalent among people of color. Lupus Foundation of America.
- Majority
2000 Project - news, opinions, surveys, and resources
to raise awareness and encourage women's political involvement.
- Maternity Wise
- helping women make informed decisions about pregnancy
and childbirth.
- Medical
Students for Choice
- Medication Abortion - Ibis Reproductive Health and the Population Council are pleased to announce the launch of a Spanish version of http://www.medicationabortion.com/, a multi-language website dedicated to medication abortion. http://www.medicationabortion.com/ is designed to provide accurate information about medication abortion to health service providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, counselors, and office staff. Educational information is also provided for women considering the option of medication abortion. http://www.medicationabortion.com/ is also available in English, French, and Arabic.
- Men & Abortion: practical information, discussion and stories about men’s experiences with abortion.
- Menopause
Metamorphosis - Gentle solutions for body, mind, and
spirit - alternative approaches, herbal remedies, wise woman
support. Your body knows more about menopause than your
doctor does! Solutions for: thyroid health, fibromyalgia,
hairy problems, male menopause, fertility after forty, herbs
for women taking HRT, and insights from Susun Weed.
- Menstruation
- connecting heart, mind, body and spirit - about women,
the moon and their menstrual cycles.
- Merger
Watch - monitoring the merger of Catholic and non-Catholic
hospitals and health care systems, organizing to maintain
access to reproductive care.
- Mifepristone
- the new early abortion pill made by Danco.
- Million Moms
March on Mother's Day to bring an end to gun violence.
- Minority
Women and Eating Disorders, the Untold Story- by Marian
Fitzgibbon and Melinda Stolley
- Moms4Moms - a comprehensive
website by a network of homemakers, based in Malaysia, focussing
onworking at home, parenting, caring for the community/environment
and health/gender issues.
- Mom's
Refuge - Special website for moms trying to juggle it
all - healthy food, quality time, educational activities.
A content rich site, covering everything from careers to
cooking, taxes to teething.
- Ms
Foundation for Women
- Ms
Magazine - Editorally free, no advertisements, the magazine
for women.
- Museum of
Menstruation - Discover the rich history of menstruation,
menstrual pad alternatives, and selected topics of women's
- National
Abortion Federation - Professional association of abortion
providers in the United States and Canada, to preserve and
enhance the quality and accessibility of abortion services.
FWHC is a member.
- National
Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL)
- Current information on legislative and political threats
to choice, how to support pro-choice candidates and legislation.
Stay informed through NARAL's
Choice Action Network.
- National
Asian Women's Health Organization
- National
Association of Social Workers - working for patient's
bill of rights, against hate crimes, protecting social security.
- National
Black Women's Health Project
- National Campaign
for Jobs and Income Support - the coalition of grassroots
groups leading the fight around the reauthorization of welfare
reform in 2002.
- National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
- National
Coalition Against Censorship - working to stop censorship
of sexuality information in public education.
- National Council
of Jewish Women
- National
Council of Negro Women
- National
Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA)
- assuring access to voluntary, comprehensive family planning
and reproductive health care services worldwide.
- National Network of Abortion
Funds - association of grassroots funds across the U.S.
Through direct grants or loans, NNAF members help more than
10,000 women and girls annually obtain abortion services.
FWHC is a member.
- National Network for Immigrant
and Refugee Rights
- National Organization
for Men Against Sexism
- National
Organization for Women
Legal Defense and Education Fund
- National
Partnership for Women & Families - Searchable site
with practical consumer guides, fact sheets, sophisticated
policy analysis on workplace fairness and flexibility, and
health care issues important to women and families.
- National
Women's Health Alliance - to educate women about their
health and medical choices.
- National
Women's Health Network
- National
Women's History Project
- National
Women's Law Center
- National
Women's Political Caucus - national multi-partisan grassroots
membership organization dedicated to electing and appointing
women to office.
- Native
American Women's Health Education Resource Center -
a reservation-based, non-profit in Lake Andes, SD serving
Native American women and their families and keeping our
community aware of pertinent health issues. Website and
clearinghouse make the Resource Center's publications on
women's health, environmental health, and domestic violence
available to the community at large.
- New
Jersey Clinic Defense Collective - coordinating statewide
response to threatened blockades of women's health care
- New
Moon - A Magazine for Girls.
- New Routes - Using local media made by immigrants to improve the health of immigrants.
- Northwest Network of
Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse
- sponsors support groups, safety planning, individual counseling,
legal advocacy and community organizing for folks of all
- Northwest
Women Flyfishers -promotion, education and support of
women in the sport of fly fishing, the encouragement and
advocacy of conservation, the increase of wild fish and
the restoration of streams and lakes in the Northwest. Local
sponsors of Casting for Recovery retreat for women
recovering from breast cancer to experience physical, emotional
and spiritual healing through a retreat in a natural setting.
- Nuestros
Cuerpos, Nuestras Vidas - book published by the Boston
Women's Health Book Collective is thrilled to announce
this Spanish-language cultural adaptation of Our Bodies,
- 9 to 5
/ National Association of Working Women - strengthens
women's ability to work for economic justice.
- NoPeriod.com
- a website that explores menstrual suppresion by using
birth control pills.
- Not2Late.com
- Emergency Contraception Hotline: 1-888-NOT-2-LATE.
- Off Our Backs
- a feminist newsjournal about women's lives and feminist
activism, a forum for feminist theory, as well as a resource
on feminist, women's, and lesbian culture.
- Oklahoma
Coalition for Quality in Women's Health Care - concerned
with the dangerous trend of merging Catholic and non-Catholic
health services and the resulting loss of reproductive care.
From experience, early intervention is the BEST cure!
- Older
Women's League - the voice of mid-life and older women.
- "On Hostile
Ground" - A compelling documentary film explores violence
against abortion providers through the eyes of three dedicated
U.S. abortion providers. Puts a "human face" on abortion
doctors, challenging the campaign of misinformation perpetuated
by the anti-abortion movement.
- Osteoporosis
- Rosemary C. Fisher reversed osteoporosis by diet and exercise.
Her books give the recipes and instructions.
- Othmer
Institute - associated at Planned Parenthood of New
York. Advancing reproductive freedom through media and advertising.
- Our
Bodies, Our Selves by the Boston Women's Health
Book Collective. See a book
review in the New York Times.
- Our Heartbreaking Choices: Forty-Six Women Share Their Stories of Interrupting a Much-Wanted Pregnancy book by Christie Brooks is available for purchase through iUniverse, Amazon, Barnes & Noble.com, and Booksamillion.com.
- Our Truths / Nuestras Verdades, a bilingual zine that gives voice to abortion stories both online and in print.
- Oxygen.com
- The first online and on-air network for Women.
- Pacific
Institute for Women's Health
- Paradise
Productions - Cine Qua Non - filmakers of "The
Abortion Pill" (1997 PBS), "Fatherhood,
USA" (1998 PBS), "Live
Free or Die" about an illegal abortion provider
in New Hampshire and "Help
Wanted" a documentary about the increasingly urgent
need to train and protect abortion providers.
- Pathfinder
International - delivering reproductive health care
to women and men in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
- Peace
After Abortion - Distress after abortion is often connected
to another unresolved painful event in life. You can begin
the healing process by exploring these pages.
- PeaceWorks
- an art film/documentary about individuals/communities
healing from domestic violence.
- People
for the American Way - monitors and counters the divisive
agenda of the Religious Right political movement.
- People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals
- People's
Decade of Human Rights Education - if people understand
human rights they could also understand women's human rights!
One cannot go without the other ... however most people
do not know what human rights is all abou. (No one person's
human rights can violate another person's human rights.)
Read here about "Sustainable Human Rights Communities."
- Physicians
for Reproductive Choice and Health - enables concerned
physicians to take a more active and visible role in support
of universal reproductive health.
- Physicians
for Human Rights
- Pierce
County AIDS Foundation
- Plan
B - one pill progestin-only emergency contraceptive, morning after pill to prevent pregnancy after sex.
- Planet
- building support for international family planning.
- Planned
Parenthood Federation of America
- Planned
Parenthood of New York City
- Political
Research Associates - helping Americans understand threats
to Democracy and diversity.
- Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome Association (PCOSA) - national non-profit
run by women with PCOS, educating healthcare providers to
recognize and understand PCOS and all treatment options,
providing an advocacy network, including social support,
for women with PCOS and their families.
- PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Northwestern University has a website dedicated to the study of PCOS where women can find details about signing up for the school’s studies: http://www.pcos.northwestern.edu/
- Population
Action International
- Population
Council - An international, nonprofit, non-governmental
institution to improve the wellbeing and reproductive health
around the world and to achieve a humane, equitable, and
sustainable balance between people and resources. The Council
conducts biomedical, social science, and public health research
and builds research capacities in developing countries.
- Population
- Coalition
for Positive Sexuality - grassroots, not-for-profit,
activist organization providing teens with candid sex education
- "Power
Surge" (Features online chats, AOL's Women's
Interest Channel, Community Conference Online, regularly
scheduled chat guests. Also weekly talks with naturopaths,
authors and doctors.)
- Preconception
- advice for those who are trying to conceive.
- Pregnant?
Need Help? Pregnancy Options Workbook - designed for
women who are unsure, or troubled, or can't decide. It covers
all three choices - parenting, abortion, and adoption even-handedly,
and focuses on emotional tools to get clear about how she
feels and what her support network is. Contact Peg J. (607)
785-3429 $3 postage paid in advance. Send to Ferre
Institute, 124 Front St., Binghamton, NY 13905. Fax (607)
- Prentif Cervical Cap - As of March 2005, Prentif Cervical Cap is no longer available and it's manufacturer has dissolved the company. However, Femcap and Lea's Shield remain available in the USA.
- Preven
Emergency Contraception Kit (Gynetics) - special kit
on sale now in pharmacies, for now a prescription is needed.
We look forward to the day where it is available everywhere
without a prescription.
- Prevention
is the cure - an on-going, grassroots effort to educate
women and their families about how to reduce the risks of
breast cancer.
- Pride
and Joy: The Lives and Passions of Women Without Children,
(book) by Terri Casey. 1998. Collection of interviews with
25 women who have chosen not to have children. Their stories
dispel the myth that women need children to be happy.
- Pro-Choice
Action Network - Information about abortion in Canada,
with a focus on British Columbia. Excellent articles, opinions,
and background info.
- Pro-Choice
Public Education Project - More than 50 organizations
working together to protect choice.
- Progressive
Government - good place to learn about how government
works - including The Cabinet.
- Project Voice - a forum for all women to share their personal experiences with abortion.
- Project Vote Smart
- Public
Religion Project - publishes Sightings an interesting
magazine tracking intersection of religion and public policy.
- Rain
Without Thunder - A movie titled Rain Without Thunder
offers a glimpse at how life in America might be
if the current legislation and judicial weakening of Roe
v. Wade continues.
- Rainbow Center
- a resource center for the LGBTQA community in Pierce County,
Washington State.
- Red Moon
Rising 'Web Sight' - women's spirituality and/or religious
concepts related with menstruation.
- Red
Web - educating women and girls about the positive aspects
of menarche, menstruation and menopause.
- Religious
Coalition for Reproductive Choice - every major religious
group in the US supports choice.
- Religious
Tolerance - Ontario Committee - Very interesting review
of 63 different faiths. Includes "hot topics"
section on abortion and homosexuality.
- Refuse
and Resist - young women building a resistance movement,
special information for students at high schools where Operation
Rescue pickets.
- Religious Institute On Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing - read their statements in supoort of abortion rights.
- Reproductive
Health Technologies Project - Information about emerging
issues in reproductive health.
- Republicans
for Choice
- Republican Pro-Choice
- Research Action and Information
for Bodily Integrity of Women (RAINBO) - addresses reproductive
health issues affecting African immigrant and refugee women
in the U.S., including female genital mutilation
- Ricki Lake - "You'll
be amazed at how far you go when you don't go all the way."
- Roe
v Wade - complete text of the Supreme Court decision
legalizing abortion in the USA.
- Roe v Wade - 25th Anniversary
in 1998
- The
Rubber Tree - a great Seattle store with a huge selection
of condoms online and in the store.
- Safe Cosmetics - stopping the ingedients that cause cancer, birth defects, gene mutations.
- Safe Motherhood
Initiative - to raise global awareness about the tragedy
of maternal deaths and illnesses.
- SaferSex.org
- dedicated to open direct communication about sex, condoms,
and safer sex.
- Said It
- Feminist news, culture, politics. Published in Seattle.
- SaveROE.com - For
information on judiciary nominations, to promote and protect
reproductive health rights
- Scarleteen.com
- sex education for the real world
- SeattleBusinessList.com
- See
Change Campaign - Catholics For A Free Choice
is working to change the status of the Vatican and the Pope
within the UN so that it is equal to (not higher than) other
religions and non-governmental organizations. You can help
by sending a postcard.
See also BBC Article.
- Sex Ed for Grown Ups - brought to you by NARAL Pro-Choice America and Em and Lo
- Sex
Etc - a sexuality and health
newsletter written by teens for teens.
- Sex
Radio - wSEXradio.com - committed to a thorough open-minded
discussion of human sexuality. Revealing interviews, in-depth
discussion, listeners hear what sex means to different people
around the world. A free and unbiased exchange of ideas,
moving toward a more natural, healthy and celebrated sex
- Sexuality
Information and Education Council of the United States
- authors of From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide
to Raising Sexually Healthy Children by Debra Haffner,
and LOTS more great educational materials!
- She's
Got Network - for women - on everything from power,
money, men, food, travel, to mothering.
- Shop4Choice
- online shopping websites raise money to pay for abortion
services for women with limited resources.
- Sisters
Network - a National African-American Breast Cancer
Survivors Support Group.
- Sistersong
Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective meets
at Spelman College in Atlanta to promote health services,
information and resources that are culturally and linguistically
appropriate through the integration of the disciplines of
community organizing, self-help and human rights education.
- Society
for Menstrual Cycle Research - a nonprofit organization
and multidisciplinary group of women pioneers in understanding
the centrality of menstrual cycle research to women's health.
- Southern
Poverty Law Center - monitors and counters acts of hate,
intolerance, and discrimination through litigation and education.
- Sound
Opportunities - Biweekly publication listing jobs and
volunteer opportunities with progressive non-profit organizations
in WA and OR.
- South Carolina Advocates
for Pregnant Women - protecting the rights and welfare
of pregnant women, new mothers, and their families.
- Spiritual Youth for Reproductive
Freedom - pro-faith, pro-choice website for youth, students
and young adults.
- State
by State guide to abortion laws in the U.S.
- stateline.org
was founded in order to help journalists, policy makers
and engaged citizens become better informed about innovative
public policies.
- Stentsitive®
vaginal dilators - used by women around the world to
help resolve a variety of problems such as vaginal stenosis
vaginismus, vaginal hypoplasia, and vaginal agenesis.
- Suite101
- Herbal Medicine and Spirit Healing for women's health.
Personal empowerment and physical wellbeing. Rediscover
the Wise Woman Tradition with Susun Weed. A view of health
that is woman-centered and empowering.
- Summit
Medical Center Abortion Links
- Sunshine
for Women - the place on the internet for women and
men who love women.
- SupremeCourtWatch.org
- keeping the public informed about cases before the Supreme
Court and vacancies should they occur.
- Susun Weed - Herbal
Medicine and Spirit Healing for Wise Women and Green Witches
- Natural alternatives for: menopause, osteoporosis, pregnancy,
fertility issues, breast health and cancer prevention. Hundreds
of woman-friendly links, a forum to share experiences and
lots of information about Susun Weed - herbalist and author
of women's health books - workshops, intensives, apprenticeships,
and correspondence courses.
- TaharaProject
- raising money for a film on female circumcision by Sara
Rashad, a filmmaker from Santa Monica, CA.
- "Take
Our Daughters to Work Day" - every year in April
- sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for
- Talking
With Kids- encourages parents to talk with children
early and often about sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, and alcohol
and drug abuse. English and Spanish
- Team
Survivor NW - health education and exercise programs
for women affected by cancer in all stages of treatment,
recovery and survivorship to encourage women cancer survivors
to take an active role in their health and well-being and
promote regular exercise and wellness.
- teenwire.com
- a private place for teens about sexuality, sexual health
and relationships, from Planned Parenthood.
- Teen
Advice Online
- Teen
Pregnancy Prevention - from teens, parents, schools,
government and society.
- Teen Talking Circle Project
- Teen
Voices - more than a magazine, it's about girls being
themselves and realizing their potentials.
- Third
Wave - organization dedicated to the next wave of feminism.
- Transitions
for Women - all natural, alternative health care products
to improve the health and lives of menopause-aged women.
- Triangle Square
- serving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning
and Allied communities of Pierce, South King and North Thurston
counties in Washington State - to become more visible, safe
and inclusive.
- Ultimate Birth Control Links - Eductional yet humorous listing of information about all methods of birth control so individuals of all ages can make informed decisions. Includes links for the Pill, IUD, hormonal injections including DepoProvera and Lunelle, condoms, spermicides, cervical cap, vasectomy, tubal ligation, and information about how to choose.
- United
Nations Family Planning Association - extends assistance
to developing countries at their request to help address
reproductive health for women, men and families.
- United
Indians of All Tribes - provides vital social and educational
services to more than 25,000 Native Americans, from early
child development and family counseling to housing homeless
youth and preparing meals for the elderly. Based at Daybreak
Star Cultural Center in Seattle's Discovery Park.
- University
of Iowa - Women's Resource and Action Center (WRAC)
- Sponsors very interesting activities in Iowa City, Iowa.
Great annotated list of online links.
- University
of Michigan Women's Health Resource Center
- University
of WA - School of Social Work website contains POLICY
WATCH, a weekly bulletin about issues and events in Olympia,
WA during the legislative session. This bulletin focuses
primarily on health, social welfare, and low-income issues.
- Unplanned
Pregnancy page - from The Mining Company
- Unsure
About Your Pregnancy? Excellent information in a comprehensive
guide to help you make the choice that is right for
you (go to "If You Are Pregnant" and follow the
link to "Your Choices."
- Uppity Mamas - online parenting 'zine for hip mothers.
- Uterine Prolapse Research Information Support and Education
- for women suffering from pelvic floor disorders, including
prolapse of the uterus or other pelvic organs, and incontinence.
- U.S. Public
Health Service's Office on Women's Health (PHS OWH)
- sponsored National Women's Health Information website.
- U.S.
Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research.
- Verbena - An organization building vibrant communities for lesbians, bisexual & queer women, and transgendered individuals through health advocacy, education, support & access to care.
- Virtual
Sisterhood - multilingual site to advance women's rights
through online discussions
- Voices - at Santa
Monica College in Santa Monica, CA, VOICES is a non-profit
magazine by students of the Women's College. Our magazine
was started as an outlet for women to express their concerns
and ideas regarding women's issues.
- Voter.com
- check the voting record of all your representatives -
local, state and federal. Voter.com will send you daily
and/or weekly updates via email. Informed voting! What a
wonderful concept! Especially good for those who have recently
moved and don't yet know who local reps are...
- VoterRightsMarch
and VoterMarchSeattle
- voicing outrage over the fraud and disenfranchisement
of voters that occurred in election 2000.
- Voters
for Choice - national independent and bipartisan organization
whose sole purpose is to elect pro-choice candidates.
- Voters
for Choice Education Fund
- Vote
Smart - excellent user-friendly resource for non-partisan
voter voting records on wide range of issues.1-800-622-SMART.
- Formerly Womens Action for Nuclear Disarmament
to end the threat of nuclear annihilation, WAND continues
today as Womens Action for New Directions
whose agenda is to empower women to act politically, to
reduce militarism and violence, to redirect excessive military
resources toward human and environmental needs.
- Washington
State NOW - includes legislative info about the WA legislature.newsletter.
- Washington
Women United - a coalition of groups and individuals
concerned about women's issues in the Washington legislature.
- Weaving
the Red Web - educating women and girls about the positive
aspects of menarche, menstruation and menopause.
- Webgrrls
- Ask the experts for internet assistance.
- Welfare
Rights Organizing Coalition in Seattle
- Westchester
(New Jersey) Coalition for Legal Abortion
Women's Health Action Mobilization - a direct action
group committed to demanding, securing and defending absolute
reproductive freedom and quality health care for all women.
- White
House Project - campaign to help launch women into successful
campaigns for the U.S. presidency and other key positions.
You can help make it happen by voting for five U.S. women
who you think have shown the potential to lead our nation.
- WISH List (Women
in the Senate and House)
- Woman Made
Gallery - an alternative community where the artistic
values and criteria are determined by women, for women.
- WomanSource
Catalog Online - Links to the best women-powered sites
on the web and online home of The WomanSource Catalog &
- Women
as Allies - Using The Richness of Our Differences and
The Power of Our Commonalties - a multiracial, multicultural
group of women making a conscious effort never to gain social,
political, economic or personal success at the expense of
another woman.
- Women
for Women - Women in Bosnia have suffered the horrors
of rape and genocide at hands of the Serbian Army. Women
for Women is an interfaith, non-profit humanitarian organization
providing emotional and financial support for women survivors
of war.
- Women
Halting Online Abuse - Advice on distinguishing safe
sites from abusive ones.
- Women Leaders
Online - Women Organizing for Change.
- Women Make
- Women
of the World - Formal laws and policies affecting their
reproductive lives, from the Center for Reproductive Law
and Policy.
- Women
of Wisdom Foundation - formerly part of Seattle Unity
Church - dedicated to women's inner wisdom and healing arts.
- Women
on Waves - Rebecca Gomperts, an abortion provider who
is making plans to operate a floating women's health clinic
in international waters. Gomperts hopes to perform safe,
shipboard abortions for women who live in countries where
abortion is illegal.
- Women on Web - Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, founder of Women on Waves, has launched Women on Web to offer information about medical abortion in six languages, as well as women’s stories that can be sorted and searched by themes.
- women2women.com
- women's community on the web with Eva Shaderowfsky.
- womenCONNECT.com
- a source for women in businenss.
- Women's Action for New
Directions - to empower women to act to reduce violence
and militarism, and redirect excessive military resources
toward unmet human and environmental needs.
- Women's
E-News - providing a professional news service to
the public and the media, policy makers and opinion shapers,
covering the news about issues of importance to women. It's
the best!
- Women's Funding Alliance
- Puget Sound's resource for women and girls.
- Women's
Health Specialists - with lots of self-help
- Womensnet
- Global activist network regarding global policy and development
- Womenspace
- for young women and girls to discuss growing up.
- Women
Count - aims to mobilize women voters.
- Women's
Campaign Fund - mission to elect pro-choice women at
every level of elected office.
- Women's
Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) - international
advocacy network to transform society to achieve a healthy
and peaceful planet with social, political, economic and
environmental justice for all.
- Women's
Equality Summit - Monday and Tuesday, March 15-16,
1999, in Washington, DC. To bring together leaders and members
of the National Council of Women's Organizations (NCWO),
made up of over 100 groups representing millions of women
- Women's
Fly Fishing
- Women's
Forum - for women with business on the web.
- Women's
Health - from The Mining Company
- women's
health - emerging differences between women and men.
Women's Health Information Center - a Project of The
Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and
Human Services.
- Women's
Health Matters - based in Canada, good info on a huge
range of health topics with an especially good section on
- Women's
Health Specialists - based in CA, their website has
lots of great info.
- Women's
Health Statewide - in South Australia.
- Women's
Human Rights
- Women's
Information Network - Washington DC's premier professional,
political and social network dedicated to empowering women.
- Women's
International Center - list of links to tons of great
- Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom - works through
peaceful means for world disarmament, full rights for women,
racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence,
and to establish those political, social, and psychological
conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice
for all.
- Women's
International Net - WIN - a magazine
about women, by women, for women, all over the world.
- Women's
Resources on the Net - list of links and organizations.
- Working
Assets Long Distance - Donates 1% of long distance phone
service income to progressive nonprofit groups that users
help select. Great phone service at competitive low rates
- with commitment to social justice.
- World Congress on Men's
- Wrinkle.com
- Humor for Women in Mid-life
- www.OBGYN.net
- lots of health info.
- wwwomen.com - directory
of websites for news and much more about and for women.
- www.teenwire.com
- the safe place in Cyberspace about sexual health and relationships.
- Young
Women's Health Page - a Web site developed by Oregon
high school students and the Center for Women's Health at
Oregon Health Sciences University.
- Youth Resource,
a project of advocates for youth
- YWCA of
the USA supports the right of
every woman to make an individual decision on abortion based
upon her own religious and ethical beliefs. The YWCA's
mission is to empower women and girls and to eliminate racism
through programs such as child care, domestic violence response
and prevention, shelters, fitness, and social justice
page updated
May 31, 2011
suggest a line link, or a correction, send an email.
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