of Medical and Surgical Abortion
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Medical Abortion with
or Mifeprex
Surgical Vacuum
Aspiration Abortion
far along in the pregnancy can I be?
to 8 weeks (49 days) for best success (97%).
Success rates decrease as the pregnancy advances. |
trimester is through 12 weeks.
A pregnancy less than 6 weeks may increase the
chance of failed abortion. |
long does it take?
-Usually 2 visits to the
-Take mifepristone on day
-Take misoprostol pill buccally (allowing the pill to dissolve inside the mouth between the cheek and gum, or under the tongue) on day 2, 3, or 4.
-It usually takes several
hours for the abortion to occur.
-Follow-up scheduled two
weeks from first appointment. |
-One 3-4 hour visit to the
-The abortion procedure takes
3 to 5 minutes.
-Follow-up visit at your
doctor or clinic, or the providers in 3-4 weeks. |
painful is it?
mild to very strong cramping off and on throughout the
abortion (commonly a 1 to 3 hour period).
Pain pills are provided for use as needed. |
mild to very strong cramping during the abortion (commonly
a 5 to 10 minute period).
Pain medication is available during and afterwards. |
much will I bleed?
bleeding and passing clots is common during the abortion. Afterwards, lighter bleeding is common from
9 to 14 days or longer. |
light to moderate bleeding and may continue for up to
6-8 weeks. |
the abortion fail?
successful. When
it fails, a surgical abortion is necessary. |
99% successful. Less than 1% of the time it fails and
needs to be repeated. |
it safe, and can I still have children afterwards?
-Both medications have been
formally studied and used safely.
Possible complications are rare.
-Childbearing ability is
not affected, barring rare serious complications. |
-Surgical abortion has been
formally studied for over 25 years.
First trimester abortion has a less than 1% complication
rate, and is at least 10 times safer than childbirth.
-Childbearing ability is
not affected, barring rare serious complications. |
are the advantages?
-It may seem more natural,
like a miscarriage.
-No shots, anesthesia, instruments,
or vacuum aspirator machine, unless it fails.
-The pregnancy can be ended
earlier than with Surgical Abortion.
-Being at home instead of
a clinic may seem more comforting and private.
-Any support person can be
there during the abortion process. |
-It's quick, over in a few
-It's highly successful.
-There's less bleeding than
with Medical Abortion.
-There's less time spent
cramping than with Medical Abortion.
-Medical staff is present.
-It can be done farther along
in the pregnancy than Medical Abortion.
are the disadvantages
-It takes several days.
-It is not completely predictable.
-Bleeding can be very heavy
and lasts longer than with a surgical.
-Cramping can be severe and
usually lasts longer than with a surgical.
-Two visits to the provider
are necessary, and possibly more.
-It fails more often than
a surgical. |
-A clinician must insert
instruments inside the uterus.
-Anesthetics and drugs to
manage pain during the procedure may cause side effects.
-There are possible complications,
although in less than 1% of cases.
-The woman has less control
over the abortion process and who is with her.
-The vacuum aspirator may
seem noisy.
-It can't be done as early
in the pregnancy as Medical Abortion.
www.medicationabortion.com - a multi-language website provides accurate information about
medication abortion to health service providers including
physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, counselors,
and office staff as well as educational information for women
considering the option of medication abortion. In English,
French, Spanish, and Arabic.
"Our health depends on our ability to share love and
pleasure. As women, our bodies have the capacity to create
new life. This responsibility and privilege unites us with
all our surroundings in an intimate relationship with the
tides and the moon, with the family and community, with society
and culture, and with the spiritual. The ability to choose
how many children we wish to have, and what time in our lives
we wish to dedicate to their care, assures us a healthy future
for all. Precisely because we value so highly the sacred seed
of life, we take so seriously the conditions for life's unfolding.
We want to share with all women how to care for our bodies
in a way that's clear and informed, taking into account all
the respect our most vital decisions merit."
- Excerpt from the book Nuestros
Cuerpos, Nuestras Vidas
No Confusion: Do not confuse Medical Abortion with the "Morning After" Emergency Contraception
Pills (brand name Plan B). They are completely different medications taken for
different purposes.
- Emergency Contraception Plan B contains the same hormones as in regular birth control pills; Plan B prevents pregnancy after
sex when taken within days after unprotected intercourse. Emergency Contraception will not harm an existing pregnancy.
- Medical Abortion pills cause pregnancy termination
and are used after pregnancy is established.
more about medical abortion:
- www.womenonweb.org - will mail medications to women in countries where abortion is legally restricted (run by Rebecca Gomperts of Women on Waves)
- Gynuity - http://www.gynuity.org/pub_b.html#q5 -
Instructions for Use of Misoprostol for Women's Health in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
- www.medicationabortion.com - In
English, French, Spanish, and Arabic - a multi-language website provides accurate information
about medication abortion to health service providers including
physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, counselors,
and office staff as well as educational information for
women considering the option of medication abortion. Sponsored by Ibis.
- www.earlyoptions.org - the new early options abortion pill, Mifeprex, was approved
by the FDA in October 2000 and will be available soon throughout
the USA.
- Feminist
Majority Foundation's info on RU 486.
- New York Times Magazine article on RU-486, The
Little White Bombshell by Margaret Talbot, July
11, 1999, regarding mifepristone and misoprostol.
- UCSF - University of CA at San Francisco patient education page - medical vs surgical abortion
last update:
October 5, 2010
a Feminist Women's Health Center location.
Feminist Women's Health Center |