Client's Rights And Responsibilities
at Cedar River Clinics Clients have the right to
- be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion regardless of your age, size,
shape, color, marital status, gender, or sexual orientation
- ask questions
about your health care and expect answers in language you understand
- privacy
regarding the use of your personal health information
- consent to, or refuse,
any medical treatment, medication, or contraceptive method
- seek a second
- access to, and copies of, your complete medical record (medical
- keep or terminate your pregnancy, regardless of your income, age,
marital status, HIV status, race, or sexual orientation
- know the name
and professional status of all caregivers
- be free from judgment because
you have had or are having an abortion(s)
- terminate a relationship with
a healthcare provider if s/he does not meet your needs
- ask a doctor to
stop during an exam or medical procedure and expect your request to be listened
to whenever medically safe to do so
- feel emotionally safe within the healthcare
- expect care that utilizes the most up-to-date information available
- a
clear understanding of the financial obligations you will incur
are responsible to - provide the doctors and staff with complete
and accurate medical information
- request additional information when you
don't understand
- inform the staff if you anticipate having difficulty
following the recommended treatment
- be respectful and courteous
- meet
the financial obligations associated with your care
to abortion, birth control and health information has the power to change lives.
By providing these services in an affirming woman-centered environment, FWHC supports
women believing in themselves and the power of their decisions.
Feminist Women's Health Center |