Many Voices - Many Choices

Feminism begins with women sharing their experiences.

Jackie To think back makes me cry, but to think ahead makes me feel that I made the right choice.   Terri I figured it should be legal but I had never known someone who had one and I certainly never thought I would be in the position to choose.
Jacey I consider this a sign from God, that maybe he was saving me from a life of potential grief and upset. It was not yet my time to be a mother and I know this now more than ever.   Sadie I don’t feel guilty anymore….just this deep feeling of RELIEF.  I feel somewhat sad about the soul that chose me to be their earthly mother but I also feel that that same soul will one day find it’s way back, when the time is right. 
Gillian We used protection - and the test was positive. I was in shock. I still am.   Renata It's my birthday and I close my eyes and know that tomorrow I will be back at the abortion clinic again.


The truth is, I just don't want this. I am finally learning to love myself.   Robin Before I had my abortion, I read every story in your archive.
Xingmu When I was 15 I was having sex with my boyfriend. I knew exactly what birth control was. But I was too scared to buy or ask where I could get cheap birth control.   Chloe I have not yet had an abortion.  I will next Thursday.  I wanted to write this however to express my feelings and let other women out there read - perhaps have same feelings they are going through.
Grace Just yesterday I went through with an abortion.  I really regret having done so.   Aubrey I now have a chance to move on in my life and finally move out of what I have known to be destructive.
Alyssa I just realized not to long ago that it's not that they are murderers. It's mothers protecting their young.   Tisha I'm 13 years old. I just recently found out I was pregnant. I could hardly believe what I was hearing when the doctor said those two words, "you're pregnant".
Peggy I am 20 years old and my boyfriend and I have been together for three years.  There's no doubt in my mind that we will end up marrying in the future.  I've talked to my parents about the subject and I've even prayed about many times.    Wendy Do not do it if you don't want to if someone else tells you to go through with it. Be honest to those trying to help you at the clinic. Talk it out with someone, even if it's on an online forum.

I didn't just feel relieved - I felt EMPOWERED.


I had just been through the worst break up of my life.  It was also the best year of my life.


The only advice I can offer, for any decision in life is, trust your instincts. No matter what happens the first thought you have in any situation is going to be the right choice. I hope by sharing my story that it will help someone in a similar situation.




No one can tell you what is best for you. 

being able to share it with you is so liberating.

Amanda Palmer

reacts to uproar about her song Oasis and in the process tells her abortion story

Blog of the Nation

more personal stories

special website

Dedicated to telling stories of women served by Dr. Tiller, and helping people understand who he was, why his clinic was important to women..

Glamour Magazine

profiles 8 women's abortion stories.

Starla I was struggling to assert my own worth   Jaclyn I still remember that night like it was yesterday... those two pink lines in the tiny screen. Confusion, excitement, fear, happiness every emotion possible all at once. All I could do is cry.
LaTeera This was my second unplanned pregnancy...   Deeta

I was sitting in the bathtub last night praying for a miracle because I honestly just don't know what I'm gonna do

Keisha I am living with family right now and I want to get out on my own before I have a baby.    


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updated January 10, 2012


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Published by Feminist Women's Health Center which operates Cedar River Clinics.