Many Voices - Many Choices

Feminism begins with women sharing their experiences.



I had an abortion when I found I was pregnant with my third child in April. I was torn, because I found out in the Fall of last year, my husband is having an affair, and the other woman is pregnant, due this summer. I was devasted, shocked and saddened. He promised he would stop seeing her and devote his life to me and our kids. Well it didn't happen, and I didn't think it was fair to bring another child into such an unstable environment. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I think I made the right decision for me and my kids. This is something I will carry in my heart forever !!!



I am 19 years old and currently in college. I am so thankful that I have this choice, as this came to be out of a sexual assault put on me by a male friend of mine. I have a huge future ahead of me. I struggled with this choice for a month now, I felt as if it "was the easy way out." Getting pregnant was in no way my choice. A sexual act was forced upon me and I feel strongly that I should not be the one to suffer the consequences. Adoption was a choice, but at this point in my life, being in school, it would foil my future. I'm very thankful that I have an opportunity for a second chance, and I believe this will only make me much stronger and focused on my goals in the future. For the girls that have also gone through this and are in fact struggling, the past is the past, you most likely made this choice for YOUR own future, don't let it go to waste. You were in control of your body and future and you still are. God forgives you and understands your circumstances, now forgive yourselves and make that future everything you dreamed it would be.



my name is nombuso and I recently had an abortion about 2 months back. I had it out of my free will. I am currently doing my third year at one of the biggest universities in my country. I discovered I was pregnant when me and my boyfriend we going through some big fights. I couldn't tell him I was pregnant because I knew he would blame it on me. I suffered with the secret on my own and I went through the abortion on my own. The funny thing is I discovered that he had two other babies I was not aware of. Having an abortion was the best decision. I know if I could turn back the hands of time I would do it again, I could drop out of varsity because of a guy with no future and who could not give my baby a proper home. I know I can do better and I still have to graduate and give my mum back what she sacrificed for me.


I had my abortion two days back and it was the hardest experience ever. I wrote her/him a letter to ask forgiveness and to say how hard it was to let go.



I was 16 years old when i had my abortion. Am i proud of that? absolutely not! i had a choice to do so and i don't regret my decision at all. Like i said i was 16 and my boyfriend at the time was physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. i was just a baby when i got pregnant how could i bring a child into this world? To grow up with myself not being able to give him/her what they needed or wanted, how is that fair? when i went back to the clinic for my check up, there were protesters outside yelling and throwing little pink and blue bracelets at our car. Do they not think we are people too? Do they think that women like going to do that? Since then i met my husband and now i am older with my own car, my own house and a beautiful 9 month baby girl. she is the light of my life i am so glad i waited. My daughter is the best thing i could ever imagine and i can give her whatever she wants and needs! I don't regret my decision to have an abortion and i am very glad that i had the choice to have one!



I am 48 years old. Unbelievably, I got pregnant after a one night stand, just like in the movie, "Knocked Up". My children are grown, 24 & 26.I even have grandchildren. My family would be horrified. This was extremely out of character for me. I was feeling so lonely after a four year relationship had ended and my mother had just died. There was no way I could have the baby.  The risks of it being unhealthy coupled with the fact that I may not be around when the child graduated high school gave me no choice. I had always been against it in the past and was very judgmental against others who had abortions. I now understand how these women felt. I will never judge again. I hope to see my baby in heaven one day. 



I found out I was pregnant right after I turned 21. Immediately I knew I had to have an abortion. There was no way I was ready to have a child, by my self or with my then boyfriend, and I wasn't strong enough to go through adoption. That decision was the hardest I've ever made and I had a hard time trying to live a normal live for months after the abortion, but I don't regret it for a minute. I know I did the right thing for every life involved. From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, she isn't the most important person in her life. That's the moment when a woman needs to do what's best for her child even if it's hard for her, and I'm proud to say I did that.



Hello my name is Brittney and I am 21 yrs old. I was only 18 when I had my abortion in the year 2006. I was a 3 day procedure because I was in denial of being pregnant. I waited to long. I had the abortion because I knew the guy I was with at the time wasn't ready he ran out on me as soon as I got it done. He only came the third day and after that he was gone. I knew it was the right thing for me to do I had to finish school and work and I was way to young. I know legally I was a adult but mentally I was not. I know my baby is smiling down on ne and is in heaven with God. When I was laying there I couldn't even look at the monitor to see my baby or even ask the sex of it I was to afraid to I was already in enough pain. I look back now and wonder where would I be if I would have kept him or her but I don't regret the decision I have made, it was for the best thing for me to do. It is also the best thing for any young girl or woman to do if they are not ready.



I am 17 and up until about a month ago I thought I was madly in love .... turn's out the guy just used me got me pregnant and walked out of my life. tomorrow I have an appointment to have an abortion, right now I have so many emotions pruning through my body I don't know what to think. When I first found out I was pregnant I wanted to keep it, regardless of what anyone said then after a while I realized I wasn't prepared to give this baby the life it deserves and I think of that as unfair so I decided to send the baby back to god, hard to believe that I used to pro-life and judge women who've had abortions. I guess you can't really judge until you've been put in their shoes ..... I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow when it's all said and done but I honestly believe it is for the best ....



I have been reading the web site which has truly been a help for me especially at this moment. I want to know however if there's is a number or anything where you can actually interact with a counselor or others. This is very important because I just had an abortion 3 days ago and really feel alone and need someone to talk to

YES - Call Exhale at 1-866-439–4253



Thank you for your site. It's so good to read about all of your experiences - even though I know I will never meet you. I had an abortion ten years ago and still to this day I feel so alone in my choice. I have recently started studying abortion for a university assessment. The more I read the more I realize - I am NOT alone. I now know that world wide, more than 40% of women will have an abortion. What I can't understand is why - as women of the world, we don't stand by each other in the choice we have made, so no woman has to go through this pain in silence again.



choices. decisions. confusion. i found i was 6 weeks pregnant about two weeks ago. it was very unplanned with a guy who wasn't quite my boyfriend. after talking with my sister and friend, i decided to keep my baby. 2 weeks later, about 2 days ago, i started bleeding and went to the hospital. they sent me home saying it was a 'threatened miscarriage' and to just watch it. although I'm no longer bleeding, the thought of possibly not having this child really settled in my head and made me think about everything. i've now decided not to go along with this pregnancy. my heart breaks daily and i cry non stop at the thought of this. but i know what is best for me and this baby. i believe the soul of my child will come back to me in the next pregnancy. but for now i'll have to wait for my child.


Many clinics offer Options Counseling - an exploration of the options without telling you what is right for you. But watch out for Fake Clinics.

Call Backline and talk about your situation and your feelings with someone on the phone. 1.888.493.0092



I had an abortion a week ago today. I was only about 6 weeks along. I am already the mother of an 8 year old. I chose to keep my son when I got pregnant at 18. I married his dad, and that didn't work out we divorced 4 years ago. I have been in a serious relationship for 3 years now and was on birth control to prevent pregnancy. It failed. My boyfriend never wanted children... I felt a little pressured into my decision by the fact that he didn't want a child, but ultimately the decision was my own. I don't make a lot of money and can barely pay my bills now, it would of been unfair to the unborn child as well as the child I have to have continued in the pregnancy. Fortunately I don't remember the procedure. I'm sure I'd hurt a lot more if I did. I always said I was against abortion until I found myself in this situation. I never want to be in this situation again, so I have spoken with my doctor about getting permanently fixed. That way I never have to deal with an unplanned pregnancy and this decision ever again. Still it's hard going through the motions knowing what I did. I don't know if I will ever forgive myself, but I know in my heart it was the right thing to do.



i'm 20 years old and three days ago i found out that i am pregnant. i have decided to have an abortion because I'm not ready 2 b a mother for the second time since i already have a 3 year old boy .and the guy that I'm with I'm not really in love with. i just know and feel in my heart that i'm doing the right decision 4 me and 4 the baby and 4 the child i already have.



I'm 24 yrs old I am an manager at a hair salon the money is ok it gets me by.. I have a two yr old daughter and I've known now that I was pregnant for about a month. my 1st choice is to keep the baby. now I'm second guessing my choice. I'm sad and sick everyday or crying. my bf is in mine and our daughter lives but the relationship is shaky. so now I'm just thinking I'm making the wrong decision. my family is really religious and I already have a strike against me for being pregnant outside of marriage so if I was or do get an abortion they probably wouldn't deal with me. I have a lot on my plate and no one to talk too .....

Call Backline and talk your situation over with someone on the phone. 1.888.493.0092

Many clinics offer Options Counseling - an exploration of the options without telling you what is right for you. But watch out for Fake Clinics.



I'm 32 and have always wanted kids. I met what I thought was an amazing guy and after 2 months I got pregnant. I found out that this guy wasn't so amazing after all and had a criminal past that will follow him the rest of his life. I knew without a doubt I could not have this baby and have it subjected to stigma and ridicule all of it's life and do not wish to have this man in my life. It's a hard choice but I know I'm making the best decision.


It was a gift and I had to give it back.


Kuan I am in my 40's, I am divorced, been with my boyfriend of three years and I feel I am being selfish. I also feel that it would not only change my life, but change my kids lives as well if I were to keep the baby. I know we would adapt eventually, however I cannot afford to raise another child. My boyfriend also has children, one is pregnant, and I have a grandson as well. I have not gone through with it yet, It will be hard however I would have a more difficult time with adoption. Selfish? Sure it is, but this is my choice and we all have a right to our own choices. Do what YOU feel is right, not others!



I'm 17 years old. 3 weeks ago I had an abortion. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life. My boyfriend of a year didn't want me to have a baby, I didn't really want to have a baby. I'm too young. I've always been against it but now I feel bad for judging others when now I understand. My family suppoted me on either decision... so I scheduled an appointment. I went in on August 4th, and I'll never forget it. I was 5 weeks 3 days. The baby didn't have a heartbeat, which helped me a little bit.  My boyfriend held my hand the whole time. It was painful emotionally but now when I think about it, I know someday in the future god will give me my baby back when I am ready.



today I undergo with the procedure of  medical abortion. It is a heart breaking decision and I still feel guilty. But it is for the betterment for unborn only as I am suffering from hypothyroidism.



I was 11 weeks pregnant when I got my abortion. It took me about 4 days to make my decision, and I was happy with it ! I did not have an escort at the abortion clnic so I could not get put to sleep, it did hurt very much, but it only lasted 2 minutes. I'm very relieved I did it, I feel like I can get on with my life and I have a second chance at being more careful to not get pregnant again. I do say that if you are not 100% sure this is what you want to do, don't do it. I was sure and I don't regret it at all!



I'm 20 and found out today that I'm 4weeks pregnant, with my boyfriend's baby that I just got back with after a break-up. He just wants an abortion but I don't know if that's what I want, I don't have money at all but still I can't make up my mind and he won't support me in having the baby, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.



I'm pregnant. According to the receptionist at the ob/gyn I should be 8 weeks next week. I have always been prochoice and I felt that it was good that you have the option to terninate if you were unprepared to have a child. I always wanted to be married first and I'm going to community college and making only ten dollers an hour. My boyfriend doesnt think we are ready. He already has a child whom I adore and his business isn't doing so great. So I can't figure out why I am still  so confused. I made an abortion appointment and a prenatel appointment. The abortion is tomorrow but I can't help but want to keep the baby. Its most likely that I will get the abortion and my anxiety will go away and I will go back to being a careless college student. Will I ever be totally the same? Will I always kind of wonder what my life would be like? Will my relationship survive the resentment I might feel? I am not sure of any of this. I have a decision to make and it's a hard one. 



I would like to give my story.  I am almost 29 and most likely about to have my first abortion.  This is my first pregnancy and I am terrified of making this decision, but I can't see another way.  I think it would help to get my story out there.  Thank you.



The first time I ever got an abortion was at the age of 14. I never thought it would happen to be again to this day. I am now 17 and am pregnant again and I made a choice to have another abortion. I feel as if this time reality just struck me and everything is sort of coming to an infinite stop. As if everything just stoped revolving in this world I used to live in and now I've seen the BIGGER picture. I am pregnant for the second time!!!!! How did I let this happen again. I was so careful trying my hardest to not ever get pregnant at such a young age again. But here I am at 6 weeks pregnant awaiting my termination date.


My name is nombuso and I recently had an abortion about 2 months back. I had it out of my free will. I am currently doing my third year at one of the biggest universities in my country. I discovered that I was pregnant when me and my boyfriend were going through a big fight, I couldn't tell him that I was pregnant because I knew he would blame it on me. I suffered with the secrect on my own and I wen through the abortion on my own. The funny thing is I discovered that he had two other babies I was not aware of. Having an abortion was the best decision I thought of and I know if I could turn back the hand of time I would do it again. I could not drop out of varsity because of a guy with no future and who could not give my baby a proper home. I know I can do better and I still have to graduate and give my mum back what she sacrifised for me.


While the doctors are still not sure whether I am pregnant or not, my decision will, without a doubt, be to terminate this pregnancy. I am 19 years old and currently in college. I am so thankful that I have this choice, as this came to be out of a sexual assault put on me by a male friend of mine. I have a huge future ahead of me. I struggled with this choice for a month now, I felt as if it "was the easy way out." This was in no way my choice, though (getting pregnant). A sexual act was forced upon me and I feel strongly that I should not be the one to suffer the consequences. Adoption was a choice, but at this point in my life, being in school, it would foil my future. I'm very thankful that I have an opportunity for a second chance, and I believe this will only make me much stronger and focused on my goals in the future. For the girls that have also gone through this and ARE in fact struggling, the past is the past, you most likely made this choice for YOUR own future, don't let it go to waste. You were in control of your body and future and you still are. God forgives you and understands your circumstances, now forgive yourselves and make that future everything you dreamed it would be.

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Published by Feminist Women's Health Center which operates Cedar River Clinics.