My name is Jacey and I am a 24 year old nursing student from Cincinnati. About three months ago I learned that I had become pregnant by a guy whom I had just began dating, and honestly barely knew. Despite my previous belief that abortion was wrong and my family making me feel guilty, I had the abortion I never thought I would have. This was by far the hardest decision I had ever made in my life. After the procedure I had an array of strong emotions followed by pure guilt and regret. I thought I had made a terrible mistake to be perfectly honest. Time passed, however, and I began to feel better. Me and the guy that i had become pregnant by had a messy breakup not long after the abortion. As a matter of fact I learned things about him that absolutely horrified me. I learned what kind of person he really was. I had this gut instinct about him, I knew that something just wasn't quite right. My initial instincts about the guy was ultimately the deciding factor in choosing to have an abortion. Now that I look back I have no regrets. I consider this a sign from God, that maybe he was saving me from a life of potential grief and upset. It was not yet my time to be a mother and I know this now more than ever.
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