Tisha's Story

My name is Tisha, and I'm 13 years old. I just recently found out I was pregnant. I could hardly believe what I was hearing when the doctor said those two words, "you're pregnant". I have decided to get an abortion, due to the fact that the baby's father died 2 months right before I found out I was pregnant. His mother agreed to watch over the baby to have a reminder of her son, for a minute I thought about keeping the baby. Then, I thought to myself, "you can never forget your first love, and she can never forget her first born." I will never tell anybody, except for my cousin who is paying for the abortion. I'm really thankful to have him. I told my best friends,  and Amber was really supportive. Meanwhile I told my other best friend Jerome and he was mad at me. He said it was because he thought I hadn't used protection. He finally confessed the true reason as of to why he was mad. Its because he was still in love with me. My best friend Jerome and I had know each other for about 2 years before we started dating, and we dated for 3 months. He expressed his feelings to me before and I didn't really believe him. Anyways, when I saw he was really mad, I knew I had to get rid of the baby because it would change the way everybody looked at me. Hopefully my abortion goes well so wish me luck. I honestly believe this is the best choice.


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