Many Voices - Many Choices

Feminism begins with women sharing their experiences.

Jannica Abortion is not an easy choice for anyone, man or women, but I am glad I have that choice. Sandy I know the time will be right when I look at that home pregnancy test and feel elated and excited and over-the-moon happy.
Andy I feel at peace with my decision, but it still hurts. Ronda I know this is one of the most difficult choices in my life.
Gloria I just want women to ensure they have support and reach out to people. ShainaI find solace knowing that my experiences and education my help others someday.
AlisaMy abortion was the right choice, and I'm glad I made it. HalleeIt doesn't take more than one mistake to get there.
Celia I'm better now than half an hour ago when I found this website and started reading. Abigail When I'm ready to be a momma I can be a great mom.
Kirsten I knew what my only option was because I am in college and have goals that I need to fulfill. Yana I have no choice because I cannot go about raising a kid without his support.
Adda Women are intelligent and strong enough to make choices regarding their bodies. Stella Nobody should tell anybody what they should or shouldn't do.
Christie I never regretted my choice. JaquelynI pondered all night whether this was really what I wanted.
DanicaThe night before the appointment I was an emotional wreck. Pauline Do not allow yourself to feel guilt forever... just try to grow from your experiences.
Margaret I had always thought that I would never be in this situation. TaylorI was afraid of the abortion, the actual procedure and how I’d feel afterward.
Mia I absolutely want to be a parent someday and the knowledge that I can and will is what got me through the tough time surrounding the pregnancy. SissyTo my mind it is child neglect to bring a child into this world, when it was not wanted, or the
parent(s) can't support it properly.
Josephine It's been 10 years since the abortion.  I think I'm a stronger woman for my experience.  Mariah It really helps to talk about it.  I was worried people would judge me, but they don't, if they really are your true friends and love you.
Bettina What I did is not bothering me, but I think about it everyday and wanted to write
about it.
Kendra Did I want to get an abortion? No. But it was the best thing for my life.
Tina Yesterday I had my abortion.  It was a long day. LizaChoose the choices you make, and may every single day thereafter be better for it.


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Published by Feminist Women's Health Center which operates Cedar River Clinics.