Poetry and Prose

We welcome poetry or prose about feminism, women's freedom, health or health care. Please email it to info AT fwhc.org with poem in the subject line. We will assume you are giving FWHC permission to publish your work here on this website and/or in our (paper) newsletter.

what moonlight I am hers, she is mine
Goodbye My Child The Gift
The Artist Within Before and After 
Too LateThe Birth Controllers
Examination After the Menopause  Prophylactic Rhapsody
I have to let you go  Beginnings 
Meditation in the Moonlight  Empty Eyes
the word that calls him what he isthe lifetime experience of the body


more poems

Send us YOUR poetry or prose, by email
or U.S. mail to:
106 East E Street
Yakima, WA  98901

Pro-choice people are the majority. We stand for freedom. It's time to say so, strongly, without apology.

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Feminist Women's Health Center