Mom Dad, I'm Pregnant
Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant” Project Launched
Communication Advice Available for Family Crisis
Yesterday, your mother was nagging you about cleaning your room. Today, how do you tell her you’re pregnant? Your daughter has seemed remote but you never suspected she might be pregnant: how do you respond? The “Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant” Project of the Abortion Conversation Project, Inc. addresses these questions and more on its new website and in companion handouts, “How Can I Tell my Parents?” and “How Do I Respond?” The website, www.MomDadIMpregnant.com offers specific suggestions for both young men and women and for their mothers and fathers who are dealing with a pregnancy crisis. The handouts will be distributed to women’s clinics, family planning agencies, and youth-serving organizations.
“This is a very critical time for families,” says Peg Johnston, President of the Abortion Conversation Project, “and, as abortion providers, we believe in encouraging parental involvement in pregnancy decisions if at all possible.” The website further states: “We believe that parental involvement in the reproductive decisions of young people can bring love and support at a time when a teenager may be in crisis about pregnancy, sex, or birth control. Our intent with this project is to offer support, skills, and advice to both adults and adolescents to promote communication that is not only helpful, but fruitful.”
The MomDadIMpregnant.com site includes advice for teens on telling parents about a pregnancy, considering options, information in case of a rape, and special advice for young male partners. Advice for parents highlights how to respond and improve relationships with daughters and sons, as well as special advice for moms and dads. There are sections on Minor’s Rights, and what to do if parents may be abusive, as well as spiritual, legal, and additional resources.
The Abortion Conversation Project aims to reduce the stigma of abortion through open and honest conversations. The websitewww.abortionconversation.com offers help starting discussions on personal and community levels, and ACP sponsors regional conversations with prochoice audiences. ACP also addresses needs that abortion providers identify like family communication. It has produced another handout called, “Healthy Coping After an Abortion” that promotes post abortion emotional health.
The MomDad Project was funded by the generosity of providers who are committed to promoting parental involvement through good communication. They include: Cherry Hill Women’s Center, Philadelphia Women’s Center, & Hartford Gynecological Center ( www.abortionusa.com), Lovejoy Surgicenter (www.lovejoysurgicenter.com), Summit Centers ( www.summitcenters.com), Southern Tier Women’s Services ( www.AmyCousinsMD.com), Allentown Women’s Center (www.allentownwomenscenter.com), Whole Woman’s Health (www.wholewomanshealth.com), Seattle Medical and Wellness Clinic (www.smawc.com ) , Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (www.alleghenyreproductive.com) , Northland Family Planning Centers (www.northlandfamilyplanning.com), Clinic For Women, Indianapolis (www.clinic4women.net) and HPS Rx Enterprises, Inc. (www.HPSRx.com).
For more information about the project contact The Abortion Conversation Project.
"To my daughter & my husband… I love you both with all my heart and as a family, we will get through this, together." One mother's words, from Mom, Dad, I'm Pregnant Website
Feminist Women's Health Center