Stunning Facts about
Right Wing
Activities and Leaders
 Read Neal
Horsley's own words describing the "war" he believes antiabortion
people ought to declare against the U.S. government. Neal Horsley is the author
of a website known as the Nuremburg Files and an advocate of killing abortion
providers. (October 2001)
 Pat Robertson,
head of the Christian Coalition, acknowledged that he has personal business
interests in China, said China suffers from "tremendous unemployment" and is plagued
with "antiquated factories" owned by the government that will have to be shut
down, spawning more loss of jobs.... So, I think that right now they are doing
what they have to do. (in reference to China's one-child policy, and forced abortion
for women pregnant more than once.) I don't agree with forced abortion, but
I don't think the United States needs to interfere with what they're doing internally
in this regard." He went on to state that that "China is courting a demographic
catastrophe" by aborting more girls than boys. He speculated that in 10 or 20
years Chinese men will have to import wives from Indonesia, which "will, in a
sense, dilute the--what they consider the racial purity of the Han Chinese." (April
Rights Struggle - Anti-choice activists (and pro-choice activists) make their
case in their own words. Links to many websites. Follow the anti links for some
nearly unbelievable remarks.
 Update: Waagner
named to FBI 10 Most Wanted List (Sept. 2001). Clayton Waagner escaped
from Illinois jail (February 2001) ...... A man named Clayton Waagner sits in
an Illinois county jail, charged with felony possession of handguns and interstate
transportation of stolen property. He faces a minimum of 15 years in prison. Apparently,
his objective was to kill as many abortion providers as he could. He stole trucks,
acquired guns, and collected data from the Internet. At the last minute, he couldn't
bring himself to commit the murders he'd planned for over a year. According to
the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Waagner's only regret now is that he failed to complete
his "mission from God." "It's not that I regret getting caught," he said ... "It's
that I regret getting caught as a failure." Waagner claims he was motivated by
the sight of his daughter's six-month miscarried fetus. He says God's voice told
him to "go to war." It is suspected that Waagner may have received assistance
and support from antiabortion extremists. Waagner himself noted, "There are organized
groups out there ... For people like myself who are willing to take risk, you'd
be surprised how many people are willing to be supportive." (March 2000)
 Referring to the Alliance for Stabilizing America's Population
(ASAP!)'s concern about the growing population in the USA, Judie Brown, president
of American Life League stated. "We need government policies that will strengthen
families and encourage people to have more children."
you are blocked of public protests, then people are left saying, What are we going
to do?'' antiabortion leader Michael Bray said. "It leaves only one option:
the covert use of force -- vandalism, blowing up places and terminating doctors.''
Michael Bray signed the petition which claimed that killing abortion doctors is
consider blowing up a place where babies are killed a justifiable act," said
Michael Bray (a Bowie, Maryland Lutheran minister) on "60 Minutes II"
(4/14/99). Bray has served four years in prison for conspiracy in 10 abortion
clinic bombings in VA, DC and MD.
April 1997, airplanes sent to Zaire by Operation Blessing, the tax-exempt 'humanitarian'
organization that's part of (former Republican Presidential candidate) Pat Robertson's
politico-evangelist corporate empire were not used for medical relief, but for
Robertson's diamond-mining business. He subsequently claimed his company reimbursed
the organization.
 Did you know The
Vatican (home of the Catholic Pope and headquarters of the Catholic Church) holds
a seat and a vote in the United Nations equal and equivalent of countries and
governments around the world? No other religions are treated as governments by
the U.N. Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC) are organizing a drive to remove the
The Vatican from the UN. Write to: 1436 U Street NW #301, Washington DC 20009.
Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, commenting on his larger strategy:
"From the beginning when I founded Operation Rescue, the vision was not solely
to end child-killing; the vision was to recapture the power bases of America,
for child- killing to be the first domino, if you will, to fall in a series of
dominoes. My feeling was, and still is, once we mobilize the momentum, the manpower,
the money, and all that goes with that to make child-killing illegal, we will
have sufficient moral authority and moral force and momentum to get the homosexual
movement back in the closet, to get the condom pushers in our schools to be back
on the fringes of society where they belong where women are treated with dignity,
not as Playboy bunnies, etc., etc. We want to recapture the country, because right
now the country's power bases are in the hands of a very determined, very evil
elite who are selling us a bill of goods."
 One in four women
entering prison is pregnant or has recently given birth, while 80% of women inside
prison are mothers. Are the "pro-family" forces working to create drug
treatment programs for poor women?
 A study of mergers between Catholic and non-Catholic
hospitals from 1990 to 1997 shows a reduction by nearly half of certain reproductive
services, including abortion and access to contraception, according to an April
7, 1998 report in The Boston Globe. The study, released recently by Catholics
for a Free Choice, found that those services were discontinued in 48 percent of
the 64 mergers analyzed by the study. The hospitals primarily discontinued those
practices on moral ground - most Roman Catholic hospitals operate within the parameters
of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, released
in 1994 by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. That document "prohibits
tubal ligation, vasectomy, contraception, abortion, and some forms of infertility
treatment," the Globe reported.
Quotes from Right
Wing Leaders"The problem that America has is they've turned
their back on God. Our job is to fall down on the barbed wire, so our kids can
run over our backs and storm the gates of Hell. This is a generational battle."
-Operation Rescue Director Philip "Flip" Benham said about antiabortion
protests in Buffalo, NY, 4/99 "It appears that America's anti-Biblical
feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced
by a Christ-centered men's movement" -Rev. Jerry Falwell "Don't
you understand, mister, you are royalty and God has chosen you to be priest of
your home?" -Tony Evans "...sit down with your wife and say
something like this. 'Honey, I've made a terrible mistake...I gave up leading
this family, and I forced you to take my place. Now I must reclaim that role.'
I'm not suggesting you ask for your role back, I'm urging you to take it back...there
can be no compromise here. If you are going to lead, you must lead...Treat the
lady gently and lovingly. But *lead*!" -Tony Evans "I believe
that slavery, and the understanding of it when you see it God's way, was redemptive."
-Wellington Boone "It's been too long that three percent of homosexuals
control our moral majority." -Tony Evans "Democracy used to be
a good thing, but now it has gotten into the wrong hands." -U.S. Senator
Jesse Helms (Republican-North Carolina) "I want to boldly affirm Uncle
Tom. The black community must stop criticizing Uncle Tom. He is a role model,
who, when he was stepped on like a worm, at a point of crisis, evidenced the nature
of the classic model worm, Jesus" -Wellington Boone "Arrogantly
demanding their rights, activist gays and lesbians have become a militant voice
in American politics, influencing elections and affecting the policies of high
government leaders. Their public demonstrations and political lobbying have fooled
many in our country into believing that they deserve special status. -Bill
Bright "...I believe that feminists of the more aggressive persuasion
are frustrated women unable to find the proper male leadership. If a woman were
receiving that right kind of love and attention and leadership, she would not
want to be liberated from that."
-Tony Evans
wind, women around the world give wings to freedom. Like earth, women around
the world anchor the roots that grow deep and sustain the strength of generations.
Like water, women around the world ensure life, nourishment and healing for the
global community. Like fire, women around the world ignite change and bring
passion to all their efforts. - The Global Fund for Women
Feminist Women's Health Center |