Health Question:
He didn't ejaculate, but what are the chances?
My boyfriend and I were having sex and he was inside of me only he didn't ejaculate. We had sex about 5 days after my period ended. It's been about 4 days since we've had sex. He didn't climax inside of me, but I'm afraid there was a possibility of leakage. What are the chances of there being leakage? What are the chances I'm pregnant? What are some symptoms that I am/am not pregnant (besides skipping my period)? What should I do? My family would be horrified if I told them that I had even had sex, let alone if I were pregnant, so that's out of the question. I need all the advice you can give me. Thanks.
Sperm are microscopic. Even a drop of ejaculate or "leakage" can contain LOTS of sperm. Sperm can live inside the woman's body for up to 7 days. There have been some studies on "withdrawal" as a method of birth control and the studies say it is around 80% effective.
It sounds like now is a good time for you to investigate reliable methods of birth control - here's a chart comparing methods. Buy some condoms and use them. You can also keep the penis out of the vagina during sex play (and still have lots of fun without penetration.)
Learn more about your menstrual cycle and figure out your own individual fertile time.
Have you heard about emergency contraception? It is a special combination of birth control pills that can be taken after unprotected intercourse - but within 72 hours (3 days). EC is a great option if you have sex when you weren't prepared ahead of time. This time it sounds like you are too late for EC, but if you go to a clinic, you can get some for next time.
Pregnancy symptoms include late period, tender breasts, morning sickness (anytime during the day), fatigue or sleepiness, frequent urination, changes in appetite, constipation, positive pregnancy test.
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