Health Question:
Why do women who are on the pill have a period if they do not ovulate?
I was wondering why women who are on birth control pills still have a period if they do not ovulate? Thank you.
The pill alters a woman's hormone levels during the three weeks you take the hormone pills. The fourth week of spacer pills is when you get your period. It is not, however, a true period. It is actually "break-through" bleeding caused by the DROP in hormones in your body.
To learn more about women's natural monthly cycles go to
When a woman is taking The Pill then the natural cycle is not happening. Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation, and without ovulation, there is no pregnancy.
See also Society for Menstrual Cycle Research - a nonprofit organization and multidisciplinary group of women pioneers in understanding the centrality of menstrual cycle research to women's health.
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