Dear Friend,
gives women freedom. Freedom to live make
their own decisions... continue their education or advance in their career...
care for the families they already have... break off a relationship that is not
positive for them... be moral decision-makers... accept responsibility for their
own lives.
Pro-Choice means YOU believe in individuals making their own important life decisions. You don't decide for them -- they don't decide for you. Self-determination about child-bearing is a fundamental human right. It must not be threatened by violence, public disapproval, lack of access to health care, or government denial of coverage.
In the process of making decisions, individuals need information. Please make a financial contribution to support this website created by Feminist Women's Health Centers of Washington State which operates Cedar River Clinics so that women can have information. Donate online now through Network for Good.

You can give online or print this one time donation or recurring donation form and mail it with
your check.
FWHC is a 501(c)3 non-profit and your donation is tax deductible (EIN = 91-1083929).
Donations support:
Women In Need (WIN) Fund.
WIN underwrites abortion services for women with limited
financial resources. WIN makes abortion accessible
by covering medications, motels, transportation,
reduced fee abortion care, or interpreters for those who don't speak/read English.
Community Education.
We bring tools, information, and empowerment to women and
teens by addressing birth control, HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases, abortion, self cervical and breast
exams, and menopause information. In Spanish and English.
This website is a global resource for reproductive health
and freedom. Cedar River Clinics sponsors CONNECT teen sexual health education in Western Washington and runs a Teen Talking Circle in Renton.
Access to Clinics.
We are determined to keep our clinics open to serve women, to prevent protestors from stopping patients from getting care, to ensuring that our state laws help women and teens get health care and information, and to maintaining our existence.
Stand up for choice.
Make an investment in the programs of the Feminist Women's
Health Center. Please make a donation today.
With sincere appreciation,
Everyone at FWHC-Cedar River Clinics
P.S. Abortion
is a matter of personal liberty and responsibility. Your donation
helps protect women's ability to act upon their private moral
decisions. We offer them choices and trust their decisions.
providers, the right to choose is meaningless.
page update
August 4, 2010
Who should decide? the government or the woman?
Feminist Women's Health Center |