Wendy's Story

I am a twenty-four year old graduate student and last Thursday I had an abortion. The logical part of my brain tells me over and over that I made the right decision, but my emotions continue to just go all over the place. This forum has been such a positive source for me to see that I am not alone.

My boyfriend and I have been together for four years and plan to get married in the coming year but with both of us being in graduate school we had no money, time and very little family support. This was the hardest decision I ever made in my entire life. Seeing other women's stories and their strengths has been a great support to me.

October 1998

more stories -- share your story

Birth Control Comparison - alll methods Abortion Info from Feminist Women's Health CenterShare your story
Poetry and Prose - by women about their reproductive lives Teens HealthResources for Women of Color
Feminist Abortion Clinics Real Life Abortion Stories from teens Questions and Answers


How can you say luck and chance are the same thing? Chance is the first step you take, luck is what comes afterwards.
- Amy Tan