It was 1 month ago that I had an abortion, I've
been with my boyfriend 2 years. I'm 17 years old. I knew when I found out I was
pregnant I wanted to keep it and my boyfriend did too, but when we told our parents
they were so mad and annoyed, they made me feel so bad, they made appointments
for me, took me there and picked me up. I had to lie to the doctor and say I wanted
an abortion but all the time I was dying to make my own decision and live with
it. I had a medical abortion and
I was supposed to go in on the Friday but I was too scared and I wanted to not
have it done so I walked out but my mam just kept saying "wait until your dad
finds out you didn't go." So I went on the next Monday-it was the worst day of
my whole life. I'll never forget it. I saw my baby on the screen, I was only 8
weeks. I came home and was given cards and presents. Now I feel empty
and I resent everyone who made me do it, I know I'm young but I would have coped
but now all I want to do is get pregnant again and move out away from the people
I hate the most-my mam and dad. Now, you might think I'm being cruel
but you weren't there with the shouting, name calling and swearing, my dad even
said "I don't care what u do just get that b*****d out your belly." I can't move
on and I've tried so hard but it tears me apart inside when I see anyone with
a baby. All I can say is whatever you decide to do make sure that in
your heart you are doing it for yourself, no-one else. Violet in the U.K. November
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cannot make decisions for others; women must be trusted to make their own decisions
about pregnancy and abortion."