Tabitha's Story

I'm 16, and I made the right choice.

In August, I discovered I was pregnant. The baby's father was a guy I met during the summer. I didn't even know his last name. It was also my first time.

I knew that from the minute I found out I was pregnant, that I would have an abortion. My best friend and I made all the arrangements. There was no way I could tell my parents. However, eventually they found out and pretty much disowned me.

Then on a Friday morning, we went. I was scared, but I had my best friend for support. The whole procedure took about 3 1/2 hours. The actual surgery lasted about 3 minutes. I was so glad it was over.

Ever since that day I've never had a second thought. I knew that it was right for me, despite what my family told me. I guess I'm just trying to let you all know that it's not your family or friend's decision, it's yours. Maybe abortion is right for you, maybe it's not. But whatever is right for you, don't try to take away someone else's decision.

December 1998

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"Society has really failed women by not recognizing that having an abortion can be a very moral choice, worthy of respect."
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