Story Do I have a choice?
Hi my name is Skye and
I am 14 years old. My birthday is Aug.10th and I will be 15. I never thought I
would have a baby before my 15th birthday and now I am going to have a baby. My
Grandmother wants me to get an abortion and my boyfriend and I don't want to.
The reason I am having a problem with my Grandmother is because she is the one
who takes care of me. My mother doesn't want me to get an abortion and wants me
to live with her and her Husband, which there is a long story behind him which
I choose not to talk about. I don't want to live with my Mother and I don't want
to get an abortion. I have somewhere else to live but I need to get through this
first to know where I'll stay. Do I have a say so in this? Thanks, Skye July 1998
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you know a psychological study in 1995 found that 3 minutes spent looking at models
in a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty and shameful.