Sherry's Story

Yesterday it has been exactly five weeks since I has the abortion and 4 days ago I broke up with my boyfriend.

He has never really been there for me, cried with me or engaged emotionally with me about it .I knew before that the abortion would either make or break us, and I hoped for the former. Our relationship has never been easy and the abortion actually made me come to the realisation until now I have burried the abortion and my feelings about it underneath the problems of our relationship, which probably made everything worse.

But when it happend I was officially in a relationship, but essentially totally alone. Now that I began to deal with it I am also alone, but this time I know at least what I am sad about and dont have to confuse it with my relationship.I cry everyday now and stared to tell my friends of what I went through and everyon single one has been amazing.I dont know for how long I will feel like that or what I should do, but I know that I made the right decision, espceially considering that if my boyfriend is emotionally too immature to deal with the abortion, he won't be mature enough to bring up a child.

March 2007

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