Hello, thank you for the opportunity to connect
on such a meaningful subject. I 'searched' with the words nurture and women tonight
and came across your web site. My name is Shauna and almost 8 years
ago, at 19, I had an abortion. At the time I felt very pressured by my partner
and my doctor to abort, something that for many years I was resentful of. At the
very last moment I almost canceled my operation, but the thought of facing my
boyfriend afterwards and owing him the money he paid for the abortion was enough
of a deterrent. I have mourned this child. Had I been given the opportunity
to explore my feelings and thoughts about my unplanned pregnancy I may well have
chosen to abort the fetus. I will never know this and cannot blame anyone for
what became ultimately my choice. I had a small moment of celebration
yesterday when I realized that, for once, as I thought about this child I never
bore I was not overwhelmed with grief. I could think, yes the child would be seven,
in grade 2 and not feel such shame and wonder, "what if." I menstruate
in just a few days (evidenced by my current need for nurturance and sensitivity)
and I treasure the power of this blood flow. My current partner and I talk about
the possibility of having a child - I have a very romantic view of pregnancy that
does not match my memories of my few months of previous pregnancy. What
I believe is that choice is essential and part of choice is considering all options
with a caring and responsible friend, professional or partner. Shauna January 2000
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is rooted in true compassion and empathy for one another as individuals, not stereotypes.