Sally's Story

I had an abortion on August 25, 2001. As the mother of 4 children, ages 6, 4, 2 & 1, this was a very hard decision. I question my choice everyday, and have regretted it. This would of been my 6th child. I miscarried my first, and aborted my last. As I sit here with my 2 year old son in my lap, watching me type, I wonder what my unborn baby would have been. A boy, a girl? I'll never know. My husband seems unphased by our choice. I am shouldering all the grief. I felt like there was a death in my family. The only thing I can say is I'm sorry we have to make choices like this. I wish there were easier answers. The only advice I can give someone is to think about what you are about to do, because you cannot go back.

30 August 2001

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"It is sometimes painful to pick up the pieces and go on living. It takes much courage to confront the limits of my power and yet be willing to try again. The more I yearn to serve, the more aware of my own shortcomings I become." Carol Osborne in The Art of Resilience