Sal's Story

I had an abortion at the Feminist Women's Health Center in LA in 1975, on the last day before the end of my first trimester. I was worried that I wouldn't make it back from Mexico in time to squeak in under the 12 week wire, and that my mother might find out. Otherwise it was a relatively calm occasion. It was as a practical matter, there was no way I could be a parent at the time (still couldn't 21 yrs later). I sometimes have thought over the years, how old would that kid be now if I'd had it? Not in a sad or longing way, just the opposite. Like today just writing this I'm thinking - thank goodness (and the good women at the FWHC) that I don't have a 21 year old today! I never wanted to have children and I've never regretted it.

Birth control is a means to an end - the goal being reproductive freedom, control of our destinies. Abortion is a means to that end too. It is not a bad thing needing to be made rare. All this publicity is subtly sending the message that abortion is a bad thing. Women NOT having control of our reproduction is the bad thing that should be made rare. There is nothing wrong with abortion.

Pass it on.

I now work at a feminist women's health center and remain a staunch advocate of abortion rights and reproductive freedom. I am active in my synagogue and in my Jewish lesbian community. For comic relief, I have been doing improvisational comedy as part of WYMPROV! now in our sixth year of bring laughter to the Pacific Northwest. I live with my partner, two cats and a dog and try to spend more time in my garden than at my desk.


more stories -- share your story

Birth Control Comparison - alll methods Abortion Info from Feminist Women's Health CenterShare your story
Poetry and Prose - by women about their reproductive lives Teens HealthResources for Women of Color
Feminist Abortion Clinics Real Life Abortion Stories from teens Questions and Answers


"The thing women have got to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just take it."
- Roseanne Barr, Comedy Actress