I am 20 years old and the mother of
a 26 month old girl. I had her when I was a senior in high school. Actually, with
her, I never considered abortion. Seventeen months after I had my daughter I was
pregnant again. I had an abortion. It was terrible but I felt I had no other choice.
I was a 19-year-old single parent of one living on her own. If circumstances would
have been different I would have kept the baby, but I was terrified and I knew
I couldn't do it alone. I just want everyone to know that the choice is yours
and you are the one who decides what is right and wrong for you. I still regret
what I did, but it was the right choice for me. Reece 25 January 2002
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ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love,which includes not
only others but ourselves as well." -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Swiss-born
psychiatrist and writer