I am 28 years old, I have a 7 year old little
girl. At the time I had a so-called boyfriend, he was 34, We decided not to have
an abortion at that time... this was our mistake... We didn't have the right to
kill an innocent child... I moved in with the "boyfriend" and 9 months later we
had a beautiful little girl... I do love her... 2 years after her birth,
her father and I broke up... I am now a single mom trying to make ends meet...
I am pregnant again, I just found out 2 days ago... I have a boyfriend... he wants
me to have an abortion I am not sure I can... I have an appointment
tomorrow... at 8:00 am. I feel this child growing inside of me... but I know that
I don't have a future with my new boyfriend... I don't want to be a single mom
of 2 children. The timing isn't right... I want to be married and in-love with
my husband. I believe my next child will be happier if I wait for that...
I feel guilty for even considering abortion, what right do I have to decide
the faith of another... but if I keep this child what faith will she have? A single
mom of 2 that must work all the time to support her children. Every other weekend
with her dad, mom too tired to listen to her/him, so worn out from working all
the time... It is my choice, but I not sure it is the right choice...
I will be at my appointment tomorrow... I will say a prayer tonight for me,
my unborn child and my daughter that is 7.... Olivia
December 1999
more stories -- share your story
who have abortions are NOT different than women who don't. They are the SAME women
at different times in their lives.