I had an abortion yesterday, and feel
suprizingly well. I'm a 16 year old wife and mother of an 9 month old little girl.
They are my whole life. We were really thrown for a loop when i found out i was
pregnant again. I was on the pill so
we were both very upset this happened in the first place, but i was devestated
because i knew what i was going to do already. I started getting morning sickness,
and i have it really bad, all day long. I was waking up to get sick. I have always
been pro-choice but never thought i would have an abortion. Especially after what
i went through to keep my daughter.(My father told me to have an abortion or get
out, so i left.) But i know i have made the right decision and i know i have the
respect of my close friend, family, and husband for making my difficult decision.
And we will have another child when the time is right and i like to think maybe
God will give me my baby, that i gave back to him yesterday. Nicohle 24 October 2001
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allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone,
alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders."
Address to Centenary College of Louisiana (March 1990) by Maya Angelou