Hello I am a 23 year old female and
thought that I was totally in love with a 30 year old male. I knew that he was
involved with someone else and still proceeded with the relationship. Needless
to say I am now pregnant, at least a month and am scared more than anything. This
child would be a mixed child and although I have no problems with that my family
would. I have dealt with this decision for more than three weeks and continue
to come to the same conclusion I have to do what is right for me and the unborn
child. I cannot handle this responsibility and it would not be right for me to
bring him or her into this world. I know there are other people out there
who have come to this same conclusion --
thank you.
12 January 1999
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Abortion Resource Handbook
by K. Kaufman. 1997. A book published by Simon and Schuster. Valuable resource
to women throughout the U.S. Paperback, $11, affordable. A readable review of
everything women need to know about informed consent, parental consent laws (including
a listing of state laws), taking care of oneself during an unwanted pregnancy,
finding clinics, avoiding fake clinics, emergency birth control, and medical abortion.
Honest, reliable information.