Maria's Story

I think that my story would help alot as people, as it's not the typical situation.

I am 4 weeks pregnant. If it was any other time I would decide to keep my baby. I have a 6 year old, 19 month old and a 3 month old that just passed way from Bacterial Meningitis on 10/29/03. I have been on The Patch since my daughter was 6 weeks. I followed all the procedures but still ended up pregnant. First I thought GOD took my baby because he knew I was caring another one. So, there was a little guilt there. When I went to the doctor, my estimated due date was the same as my daughter that just passed away, just a year later. So I didn't know if that was a sign that I should go through with keeping my baby or not.

I noticed that alot of people had alot to say about what I needed to do, instead of giving me some sort of choice.

I found that just talking to my boyfriend about the situation worked the best. We did the pro's and con's on the situation. We decided that we can always have another one later. Being that since we just lost a daughter and my oldest just lost a sister, this is not something that we can handle right now.

I mean, don't get me wrong. We both will always remember this baby as one of ours regardless if we didn't have a name or know the gender. Hopefully GOD will forgive us for this. But I want him to also understand we did try to prevent it. It wasn't just a careless mistake.

November 2003

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"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
- Mother Teresa