I recently had an abortion -- 2 months
ago. i got pregnant at the end of my senior year in high school. when i was pregnant
i did not confide in my parents till i was five months into the pregnancy. the
whole time i was pregnant, the father of my baby was very unsupportive and at
that time till now he was living out of the country going to school. 2 weeks after
he left the u.s. i found out i was pregnant. one of my closest friends encouraged
me to get a pregnancy test. so, when i did i was shocked to find out i was pregnant.
i couldn't believe it was happening to me. thoughts came running to my mind
like how?, why me?, why now?, my life is over? my parents will be disappointed
in me, i'm barely just starting college? the day i found out i was pregnant i
told the father of my baby. he did not believe it was his and denied it. he told
me he was not ready. i told him i'm not either, but i'm willing to sacrifice anything
for the baby. so the whole time i was pregnant i did not talk to him at all. i
only talked to his sister and brother-in-law. finally he knew that it was his
baby but i still did not talk to him at all. when i did tell an adult i
told my aunt and i asked her for help. my aunt and i were suppose to tell my parents
together. but before we could do so my mom asked if i was pregnant one night and
yes just came out of my mouth. the first thing she did was she told me i had to
get an abortion. i told her i wanted the baby. then she told my dad who i thought
would be very angry at me but reacted totally opposite than i expected. he was
very understanding. but their reasons for me to have the abortion was i was too
young, the father is not here, and i just started college. the father of
my baby did not know i had an abortion until this month. till this day i'm an
emotional wreck. i was born a catholic and went to catholic school my whole life
till college. i am depressed knowing that i committed a sin and i can't find the
strength to forgive myself, the father of my baby, and my parents. at home things
are different. there is not a minute that goes by that i think about my baby.
now some family relatives found out about my situation and are so curious about
it. it makes me angry that they want to know so bad and will do anything to find
out about me. my culture is very oriented also. thank
you, Lilly November 1998
more stories -- share your story
terror is no worse than that of women who feel trapped by an unintended, unwanted
pregnancy, sooooo - I'll be doing abortions again today." - Seattle
area physician the day of the funeral for Dr. Slepian who was assassinated in
Buffalo, NY in Oct. 1998.