Hi I'm visiting your web page
for the first time and I have to tell you it has brought back a lot of memories.
I have read most of the stories you have and feel like I want to share mine if
you deem it helpful. My name is LeeAnna. I understand the emptiness and
pain of having abortions. You see, I've had four. I was only 17 when I had the
first one and very scared and alone. The second was when I was 19, the third when
I was 20, and the fourth when I was 21. I have always been determined
to do better then my parents have. Neither of them have an education and having
their first child at 20, they have always struggled. I don't want to have children
until I am able to support them. I was using a form of birth
control each time I conceived, so I wasn't irresponsible, just unlucky. I
have an unbelievable amount of guilt from these abortions, but I know I made the
right decision. I will graduate with a bachelors next May, the first in my family.
I am also the first in my family to be 23 and have no children. And that was my
decision. Thanks
for listening, LeeAnna Thu, 27 May 1999
more stories -- share your story
cannot make an all-encompassing law that reflects the complexity of all individual
beliefs and circumstances about abortion. Therefore, the law should be neutral
and let women make their own abortion decisions.