Kayla's Story

I got pregnant when I was 16. I carried my son and gave birth to him a month after I turned 17. I was going to have an abortion when I was 4 months pregnant. I could not go through with it.

Now I am 18 years old. My boyfriend and I always had protected sex. But I am pregnant. Today my boyfriend took his engagement ring back because of my decision to have an abortion. I already have one beautiful son, but if I have this child, my life will never go anywhere.

When I first found out I was pregnant I got caught up in the idea of a family to love and care for. But I have since realized that I have to be true to myself. I want to go to college, have a career, experience everything that life has to give. It is going to be hard enough with one child, but with two it would be impossible.

I love my son with every beat of my heart. But I know that if I had this baby I would resent it. I would feel that it took my life from me. I felt pressured by my boyfriend and his parents to have this child. If I had any advice to give somebody in a similar situation, it would be to be true to yourself. Don't let anybody make YOUR decision for you.

I know that it will be hard, but I believe that this baby will be reborn to a man and woman that need him and love him and can provide for him more than I ever could. I can continue on with my life and become all I want to be. And when I am ready I will start a family.

December 1998

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Did you know that 95% of all abortions take place in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy?