Kari's Story

Hi. I have read most of these stories that other girls have sent in to this website, and I just want to say that you are not alone. I am a 21 year old and I had an abortion on 2-14-03 and like most of these other girls I think about it everyday.

My story isn't really sad. My boyfriend and I had just gotten together last November. and I had just gotten out of a 3 yr. relationship with someone else. so I wasn't really ready for a relationship just yet, just didn't realize it yet. I had been talking and sending letters back and forth to this guy in prison for about a year. and he was getting out. and I was getting excited about meeting him in person. when we finally did meet, we had gone to dinner and decided that we were gonna get a hotel room for the night. we didn't have any protection. neither one of us thought us meeting was gonna lead to anything. but it did.

We wound up sleeping together that night. and saying bye the next morning. we were still talking and seeing each other off and on after that night. a month later, I noticed I hadn't had a period yet. so I went to my local family planning office already knowing that I was pregnant. but I still cried when the midwife told me the results.

I had told my boyfriend thinking it was his. then I went in and had a pelvic exam done to see how far along I was and it didn't match up to the dates of when my boyfriend and I had slept together. so I called this other guy from prison and told him. he was so happy and couldn't wait to see me. and when we did see eachother, he started calling me names saying that I was messing with him and that he wanted me to prove to him that I was really pregnant. I showed him the paperwork. and he then believed me that I was pregnant and that the baby was his. we talked for like a week after that. and the calls stopped and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to have this baby but I didn't want to raise it on my own.

I am already a single mom. my sons father left me when my son was 6 months old. he is three now. so I made a very hard decision and went to the closest clinic that provided the abortion option. and got it done. this was 7 months ago. and the only way I get through my day is to see that date and the names that I would have named that baby.

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend on Oct.. 2nd and again find out I am pregnant. 6 weeks. I was excited at first and now my baby's daddy is looking at 3-5 yr. in prison and wants nothing to do with the baby or me. so again I am making this hard decision to abort. and no one to talk to. yea my friends know. but they don't agree with my choice. but I feel I don't have any other choice but to abort. sure I can carry the baby to term and give him/her up for adoption. but I tried that already and I couldn't do it. and I am happy that I didn't . I would have missed out on my son, growing up in front of my eyes. and I treasure that so much. I am happy that I kept him. and I am happy with the choices that I have made and am making.

so there is my story not really sad. but that is just how life is for some people these days.

October 2003

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“We are both burdened and blessed by the great responsibility of free will - the power of choice. Our future is determined, in a large part, by the choices we make now. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can and do choose our response to whatever arises. Reclaiming the power of choice, we find the courage to live fully in the world."
Dan Millman in Laws of the Spirit