My story is one I thought could never happen to
me. Let's just say I was a virgin when I first met my boyfriend. When I told him
I was a virgin he was so happy. We had sex two weeks later. I did not have any
birth control because I never thought
about getting pregnant. It wouldn't happen to me. And my boyfriend tried to use
condoms a couple of times but stupid
me I told him to take it off because they hurt me. Well one week after
having sex I started having cramps and just not feeling like myself. I blew it
off for a couple of days thinking it must be time for my friend. But it never
came which wasn't that unusual because I have a very irregular period. Only the
cramps kept getting worse and I started feeling nausea. I even started to bleed
during sexual intercourse and not just a little like the first time but a lot.
I decided it was time to go to the doctor. She asked me if I had unprotected sex
and I lied to her and told her NO. I knew that I should have used some protection
but I never did. She did a routine PAP smear and
then tested me for STDs Two days later I was told I had
chlamydia and then she told me the only way I could have gotten it was from unprotected
sex. SO I was BUSTED. I told my boyfriend and he asked me if I was telling
the truth he didn't believe me. My doctor gave me some medication for me and him
to kill the STD. But I threw up from the medicine and ended up taking another
type. I never told my doctor any of my symptoms about cramps, bleeding, nausea
and now my breasts were becoming very tender and sore. I told my friend she said
you sound like your pregnant. I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive.
I was so scared I prayed that it was wrong and I took one again but it too was
positive. So I realized I was pregnant. Now I have been with my boyfriend
for less than two months and I have told him he gave me an STD and now I am pregnant.
He was just surprised and told me it was my choice what to do and he would support
me with whatever my decision would be. It took me a couple of days to
decide what I was going to do. I am 19 years old and my guy is 21 years, We don't
make that much money. We don't live together - as a matter fact I still live with
my parents and they disapprove of my relationship with him because he is a black
guy with a white girl. Pretty prejudiced but they don't like him. I was not ready
to be a mother now. But don't think I didn't think about the possibilities.
I called my doctor and she set an appointment up with an ob/gyn. He was really
helpful he told me I was about five weeks pregnant. He said that because of the
STD and the medications which I took the possibilities of the baby being born
with birth defects was very highly likely. That helped me make what I was doing
OK. He set a day for the abortion for two days later and said it cost $300s. Larry
took me there to the clinic and we both split the bill. It was both of our mistakes
so I couldn't have let just him pay. I just remember laying on the bed
thinking in a few minutes it will be over and I hope I made the right choice.
I said a little prayer for god to help me know if what I am doing is wrong. I
suddenly got this sense of relief as if he heard me and I felt calm and happy.
My baby will be with God and he will be a better parent than me and Larry together.
The nurse asked me how come I am so relaxed and I just said I am making the best
choice for everyone and I am happy, She said not many people can feel so positive
about their choice. They gave me 3 cc's of valium and then I remember
waking up in a room with reclining chairs with my underwear on. So I did it. 15
minutes later my boyfriend helped me to the car and we were on our way. LET THIS
February 2000
more stories -- share your story
friend sent me flowers, ordered from the Shop4Choice
website. They were gorgeous! And the proceeds go to support pro-choice activism.