My name is Jamie, and I am 15 years old. I had
my first abortion done 4 days ago, Feb. 7. I was 6 weeks pregnant, and my baby
was about the size of a garden pea. I know that if I had a baby right now, there's
no way I could support it and give it the life it deserves. That's why I had an
abortion. In some ways, I regret doing it and in other ways I know I did the right
thing. But it's still hard. I will have to live the rest of my life living with
the guilt of killing my baby, never hearing it cry or call me mommy, not knowing
if it was a boy or a girl, and never being able to hold it. But I know God is
watching down over me and he knows and he understands that I did the best thing.
I chose not to bring my baby into this world right now, especially since she or
he wouldn't have received the life it deserved. My boyfriend, the father of the
baby, is almost 16 years old, and I know he couldn't have raised a baby either.
Since I had my abortion, there have been times I cry and cry and cry, regretting
what I did, and other times I know God is taking good care of my baby and keeping
it out of harm's way. There are good times and bad, ups and downs. But I know
I did the best thing for me and my baby. I hope many other girls out there read
my story. I would love to hear your story and what you have to say. much luv, Jamie 10 February
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every lesbian has the secret hope that her book will dissolve homophobia, even
in those straight people who, before they read the book, were unable to say the
word lesbian without an overtone of disgust." Mary Meigs, in Karla Jay
and Joanne Glasgow, eds., Lesbian Texts and Contexts, 1990