Irene's Story

Here it is a few days before Christmas and I am about to schedule an abortion. This is not my first one and I think that, more than anything is bothering me. I feel such shame and guilt because this shouldn't be happening again.

I have two beautiful children, but I also know that I don't want anymore kids. They are wonderful, but they are also so much work. My husband is never home. I have been a single parent for the last 10 years except for the financial aspect of it.

My husband knows how angry I am with him. We went away for a weekend without the kids. I hadn't been out of the house except to work in about 6 months. I had too much to drink and counted on him to be responsible. Needless to say he wasn't and I now I am facing another abortion. I also am having a tubal ligation. I don't ever want to be in this situation again.

To top it all off, my insurance won't cover either procedure. Now I know why I pay $500 per month for this "wonderful" coverage. My husband is too "scared" to get a vasectomy even though it is a much safer and cheaper procedure.

I just hope this will all be over before the New Year. I feel like garbage, vomiting almost daily. I just want it all to be over so I can get on with my life.

December 1998

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