Heather's Story

Having an abortion is a decision only you can make. It is a decision that involves not only your body, but your heart and soul. I became a mother for the first time when I was sixteen. By the grace of God I had a loving and supporting family and even though we were young my boyfriend and I were very much in love, as a matter of fact were still together to this day.

Unfortunately time goes by and love fades and 3 years ago I found out I was pregnant. At that time neither one of us were ready to have another child so on February 17th I had an abortion. I was 9 weeks along. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. Shortly after the procedure I found myself thinking of what I had done, sometimes regretting and at other times not. It was extremely hard at times to look at my beautiful daughter and realizing what I had done.

But like they say time heals all wounds and yours will eventually heal too. I am now a part-time student pursuing a career in the juvenile system and have a really good job, but sometimes fate plays tricks on us. I find myself 7 weeks pregnant once again facing the decision whether or not to bring a life into this world, when I am not ready and no longer in love with my daughter's father. The decision will be a hard one to make and I often dream about it, but whatever decision I decide to make I know in my heart that it is the right one, and whatever decision you decide to make will also be the right one.

May God be with you and me. LOL with alot of tears and most definitely alot of confusion.

7 January 2003

more stories -- share your story

Birth Control Comparison - alll methods Abortion Info from Feminist Women's Health CenterShare your story
Poetry and Prose - by women about their reproductive lives Teens HealthResources for Women of Color
Feminist Abortion Clinics Real Life Abortion Stories from teens Questions and Answers


"Listen, stories move in circles. They don't go in straight lines. So it helps if you listen in circles because there are stories inside and stories between stories and finding your way through them is as easy and as hard as finding your way home. And part of the finding is the getting lost. And when you're lost, you really start to open up and listen."
- Traveling Jewish Theater


  • Healing, etc