Heather's Story

It was a month after my graduation and 18th Birthday. I found out i was going to have a baby. my boyfriend of almost a year had already asked me to marry him when we were out of college. I didnt know if i could handle a baby, college and a job trying to pay rent. It was so hard to go and do this. i felt dirty for the past month afterwards and then i went to my home church. i felt so much better i knew that it was the right choice. My boyfriend was there every step of the way in the room and waited on me hand in foot the rest of the day. We are still together almost 16 months now. This time next month (March) I would be having a baby, but i would also be living on the streets. i want to thank cedar river for all the support and help and nonjudgemental attitude.


Heather, 18, WA
12 February 2003

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"I am not pro-this people or that. I am pro-justice, pro-freedom. I am anti-injustice, anti-oppression."
- Naim Ateek