I am 20 years old and engaged to a
wonderful man. I just recently found out I was pregnant. I know that I am not
ready to be a mother, just as I know that my fiancée is not ready to be a father.
We have explored our options over and over, but finally, and tearfully, we both
decided it would be best if I got an abortion. I am only 6 weeks pregnant.
I have not had the abortion yet. I am very scared, and very confused. I am very
lucky to have the complete and utter support of my fiancée and family. We all
agree that this is the best choice. However, there is that one part of my mind
that keeps having doubts. I guess it is the maternal side of me, that wonders
about my baby. Yet, even with these doubts, I still think that I am making
the right choice. Not only for me and my fiancée, but for the child. At the stage
we are in our lives now, I wouldn't be able to give my child the kind of life
it deserves. Heather
October 1998
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many women, abortion is an act of self defense ("I cannot have this baby")
because of the physical, emotional and psychological consequences ... Not just
self defense, but in defense of the families they currently have or will have.
This is where society has really failed women, in recognizing that having
an abortion can be a very moral choice worthy of respect."