I'm 16 years old and had an abortion
not even a week ago. I'm still confused about the whole thing really. I don't
really know if it was the right choice for me or not. Sometimes I wish I hadn't
have done it. And sometimes life seems so much easier without a child. I was only
2 months pregnant, but in those few week I grew very fond of the baby growing
inside of me. I would talk to her and rub my tummy all the time. The father always
kissed my tummy and even told our unborn child he loved her. I'm so thankful to
have him in my life because I don't know if I could have done all this without
him. He was very supportive when we found out I was prgnant. We talked about our
choices all the time. Then we finally decided on abortion. I still don't even
believe in it. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I will never
forget my baby and I think about him/her everyday. The night before I had the
abortion I wrote him/her a letter saying that I was sorry and it wasn't easy letting
go. I hope someday to have kids. I guess now it just wasn't meant to be for me. Denise 25 June 2001
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is the political theory of free all women - working-class women, poor women, physically
challenged women, lesbians, old women, as well as white economically privileged
heterosexual women. Anything less is not feminism, but merely female self-aggrandizement."
- Barbara Smith