I am a 28-year-old student who recently
started college. I have a daughter who is almost five and as a single parent,
I decided it would be best for our future to not have another baby now. I waited
until it was too late in my country and to have an abortion, but discovered the
Cedar River Clinic through a clinic in Canada. I
traveled 12 hours each way to have the procedure. After only a few days I feel
much relief for what I have done. I don't know if anyone would call it selfish,
but it was my decision to make and I KNOW I made the right one. I have always
been pro-choice but never thought I would be the one making that choice. I
am lucky to have great family support to help me through all this. The staff at
the clinic was also excellent and treated me great. Everybody who knows helped
me through the most difficult time in my life and I am very grateful. I would
recommend anyone who needs advice to call the Cedar River
Clinic...wonderful people who can help you make a decision that is right for
you. Thanks again to all those who supported me...I will need you again
for talking about this in the future as I know there will probably be many hard
times ahead. Crystal
13 April 2002
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are a form of action, capable of influencing change. Their articulation represents
a complete, lived experience." -Ingrid Bengis in the Quotable Woman