One month before my high school graduation
I found out I was pregnant. Never once did I contemplate terminating my pregnancy.
I didn't live with my parents, I lived on my own, so I didn't even tell them until
I was almost 6 months pregnant. Unbelievably they were very supportive. Now almost
5 years later, I am 23, I have a wonderful son, whom I can't imagine not getting
to see each day grow bigger and cuter. Sounds perfect huh? It really was until
his father left when our son was only 2, and only now is really in his life. I
decided that I didn't want to have any more children and started taking birth
control pills. Then two years ago in November, while taking antibiotics, I
became pregnant again. I was scared. I didn't really have anyone to turn to. Two
of the people that I work with knew and wanted to start telling everyone. When
I asked them not to, one of them became visually upset, telling me it would be
murder, pushing damn religion on me. I never really had an opinion one way or
the other, because I was careful and it wouldn't happen to me. So I told a close
friend and the father and decided to terminate no matter what she thought. I did
it. Jan 5 2001, they were twins. Honestly, I hardly ever think about it. I am
not sad about my choice and I don't think I am going to hell. I don't regret doing
it. I think everyone has a choice. I still work at the same job and as far as
everyone is concerned I had a miscarriage. CJ
Ohio 23 July 2002
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can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself."
-Gloria Steinem