Annie's Story

I am a 33 year old divorced woman, who has four children and a live-in boyfriend. I just found out I am pregnant again and have already made the appointment for an abortion. I came to this conclusion much to the dismay of my best friend. I am comfortable with the knowledge that for financial, physical, and emotional reasons I choose not to have this baby.

I also thank God I live in a country that gives me that options. I am not looking forward to the protesters that I have been warned about but I am prepared, I have made my peace with myself and God and that is what is important to me.

27 January 1999

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Nationally in the 1990 Census, women employed full-time (49 or more weeks per year) earned a median annual wage of $18,780 compared to men who earned a median annual wage of $27,430.
- Institute for Women's Policy Research