My Shoes

I walked in your shoes at one time
Someday you will walk in mine
There was a special man for me
And there is one for you too
He set me free
And let me be me
Only God knew
What I had been thru
It was hard for me
To stay strong and not be weak
I use to think I could change
The way my life was dealt
Finally I saw the light
I knew my life was not right
I prayed to god
Help me stay strong
The day will come for you
And you will know what to do
Just pray to God
And he'll help you stay strong
You won't be alone
I'm always home
I'll always be here
I never go anywhere
When years go past
You know they go fast
You will meet the special one
Who is meant for you
He will set you free
Like the open sea
That's when I'll see
You'll be acting like me
And where ever you go
And whatever you do
I will see you
Walking in my shoes

- Anita Jaroldine Lamb

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"I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others."
- Amelia Earhart

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