My Confession

Forgive me, child,
for this is my sin.
It is only you
to hear my confession.
I am the one
who brought you here
You didn't ask,
I made you appear.
It isn't fair,
I know that much.
You'll never feel
your mother's touch.
I'll never look
at you with loving eyes
or hold you close
through all your cries.
I made a mistake
and you have to pay
You'll never get
the chance to laugh or play
I'm not ready for you,
I wasn't prepared.
I'm really sorry,
I'm really scared.
I want to tell you why,
the reasons seem so small.
I have no excuse,
no excuse at all.
I have sentenced you,
As you lay innocently.
And me, the criminal,
will be roaming free.
But guilt will be my prison
my conscience my guard.
And my worthless heart
will forever be scarred.


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"Feminism is not a doctrine that seeks to confine us but rather a quest we continually define."
- Caroline Soriosis

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