surprise To me Early on After Meeting Charlie No choice
At all Instantly loved The part Of me Growing Day by day
An experience Like no Other Fascinated By the prospect Of
Being called Mom Read up On everything I could Asked questions
Endlessly Scared yet Exuberant Months Turned to weeks And
then days A due date Came and Gone Tired eyes Sore body
An ache Across My back Into the hospital Out the doors In
again Out the doors Frustration mounts Doubled over Hurting
Curled in a ball On my Couch Asked to Go in No Asked to
Go in No Calls placed Packed bags Loaded Dilated at One
Pain Intensifies Family arrives Medication given No longer
Sure of anything Faces come And go Voices near And far Doctor
says It's time Push Push Push Oh god I am pushing Family
out In front Up and down Up and down Push Push Push
They see a head Never coming out I think Never Never Never
Not strong I am not Strong at all Harder I push And there
I see My baby I hear Charlie Say It's a girl A girl!
We got our girl Cord cut Baby blue No crying Why no crying?
The room cleared Mom- Mom, why isn't the baby crying? Sometimes babies
don't cry Mom says I don't believe her Babies cry Healthy babies
cry Charlie's mom Is there Charlie is crying I can't move
I can't help Charlie I don't want Charlie To cry anymore The baby
Is surrounded by people Faces white Can't be good I feel out of it
Not in control Very tired My doctor Comes back To me Says
not A word Stitches me Up I lay there Not knowing Not
understanding What has Happened Not knowing Then that I never
will Telling me She was not Breathing at birth That they Aren't
equipped To handle Such a Situation She has To be Airlifted
To Duluth A wheelchair Takes me To the Nursery To see
My sweet baby The windows Are filled With Family and friends
Later they Bring her By my room So we can See her Before they
Take her up We let Them take Her until We can Be with
Her again -Jessica Torgerson January 2003
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don't understand the kind of fight it takes to record what you want to record
the way you want to record it." - Billie Holiday