was the good girlI was
the good-girl. The into sports-girl, The daddy's little-girl The mommy's
best friend, hell everyone's best friend the last to have sex, kiss and do
anything in our group of friends, great grades, a good head on my shoulder,
socialy smart. i preached to everyone "condoms!" It happened to
me though. 19 and pregnant. Who in the world would have ever thought His
religion forbid it. We had talked about this happening, and he firmly
believed in a females right to do whatever she wants with her body, yet
he did not belive in my own. He begged me one night not to kill his baby,
but I did it anyhow. I do not regret what happened or think about it either,
I think of myself as just another teen statistic that a few select know about.
The friends and family that know, do not bring it up ever, This decision to
have an abortion made me who I am today... strong, single, and someone who
realized It can happen to anyone.... even you. -C April
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