Step UpOur work here is
one of the ascending steps, A
step up the hill of progression. We continue to climb the hill each day,
Climbing toward reproductive
succession. Along the way we provide a service, A
service to better women's health. Our patient's criteria is that of need,
Regardless of color,
race or wealth. The staff is here for more than the job, We
firmly believe in our cause. We believe in the right of reproductive freedom,
Battling against barriers
and anti-choice laws. We uphold the premise of women's rights, The
right to decide from educated options. We open the doors to choices for pregnancy,
Supporting choices from
motherhood to abortion. Our job is not easy; the path is not smooth,
We face obstacles from all
sides. But each day we serve our patients, We
are motivated to continue our stride. With educated minds and faithful hearts,
We hope to broaden the
pro-choice movement. Our work here is one of the ascending steps, Our
continued service to women's health will prove it. Dana Medeiros, describing
her work at an abortion clinic. January 2001
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Justice is about equality. People who care about social justice work to strengthen
democracy and human rights, provide every child with an equal opportunity to flourish,
break down barriers between different groups of people, and build a healthy and
sustainable environment. Social justice requires transformation.