Amelia's Story

My name is Amelia i am 16 years old i had my abortion about 3 weeks ago. I did it without telling my parents which was the hardest part. My boyfriend didnt want to know me when i became pregnant. I was about 6 weeks gone and I had the abortion pill. I had my friends come with me who helped me through it.

When i took the pregnancy test at my friends house and it came out positive i didnt say anything and just bursted out crying but i knew that i couldnt keep this baby, it wouldnt be fair on the baby to have a mother who couldnt support it and a father who didnt want to know. I had to wait a week after that to have the abortion and in that time i was breaking down in tears walking around with a baby inside of me and knowing that i was going to end the life of this baby inside me. It was hard but i got through it. I didnt tell anyone else part from my 3 best friends.

I went to a party in the 2 day gap and i wasnt aloud to drink so i had to lie to my other friends for the reason why i couldnt drink. The week after the abortion things kept going through my mind. Things like i actually had a real live  baby growing inside me and what would it be like if i had gone through with the pregnancy. I am guilty and sorry for ending the life of my baby but it was the right thing to do. I just hope that any other girl in my situation would do the right thing and tell your parents, and get on with your life after it. Thats what i have done. Its in the past now.

February 22, 2007

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