Aimee's Story

I never thought I would discuss this with anyone. You've gotta love modern technology..

I am 27, married (somewhat happily), with 2 toddlers. I had an abortion yesterday. I am pro-choice and believe in abortion 100% but this was possibly the hardest decision I have ever made. I want more children but the two I have are 2 and 3. So, after discussing it with my husband I decided this was our best option at this point in our lives. I have to be honest, I was not totally sure going in for the appointment that I was doing the right thing but coming home and having both kids demanding my attention at the same time made me realize that at this time I only have so much to give and it would not be fair to any of the parties involved to add another person to the equation I am proud to call my family.

I don't know why I feel it necessary to validate my feelings but thank you for giving me the forum in which to do it.

June 1998

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Birth Control Comparison - alll methods Abortion Info from Feminist Women's Health CenterShare your story
Poetry and Prose - by women about their reproductive lives Teens HealthResources for Women of Color
Feminist Abortion Clinics Real Life Abortion Stories from teens Questions and Answers


"We are living in very dangerous times when a doctor is gunned down in his home, clinics are being bombed, health-care providers are being threatened and pro-choice voices are being silenced," says attorney Robert Abrams representing PEP (Pro-choice Education Project). "We are in danger of losing valuable freedoms."  November 1998